CLEX 3.15 (Default branch)
CLEX is a file manager with a full-screen user interface written in C with the curses library. It displays directory contents (including file status details) and provides features like command history, filename insertion, or name completion in order to help the user to construct commands to be executed by the shell (there are no built-in commands). CLEX is easily configurable and all its features are explained in the on-line help.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The locate file function was replaced with a more efficient panel filter mechanism. The filtering is also available in several other panels. User and group information panels were added. Some key bindings were redefined for compatibility reasons.
CLEX is a file manager with a full-screen user interface written in C with the curses library. It displays directory contents (including file status details) and provides features like command history, filename insertion, or name completion in order to help the user to construct commands to be executed by the shell (there are no built-in commands). CLEX is easily configurable and all its features are explained in the on-line help.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The locate file function was replaced with a more efficient panel filter mechanism. The filtering is also available in several other panels. User and group information panels were added. Some key bindings were redefined for compatibility reasons.
keyTouch 2.2.0 (Default branch)
keyTouch makes it possible to easily configure the extra function keys of a keyboard (like multimedia keys). It allows the user to define which program will be executed when a key is pressed.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: 100 keyboard models are supported. keytouch-config: updated documentation and updated translations (Catalan, Irish, Vietnamese, and Swedish). keytouch-keyboard: - updated Catalan, Irish, Vietnamese, and Swedish translations. Rhythmbox and Zoom plugins have been added. The Lock Screen plugin has support for gnome-screensaver.
keyTouch makes it possible to easily configure the extra function keys of a keyboard (like multimedia keys). It allows the user to define which program will be executed when a key is pressed.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: 100 keyboard models are supported. keytouch-config: updated documentation and updated translations (Catalan, Irish, Vietnamese, and Swedish). keytouch-keyboard: - updated Catalan, Irish, Vietnamese, and Swedish translations. Rhythmbox and Zoom plugins have been added. The Lock Screen plugin has support for gnome-screensaver.
PyBridge 0.2.0 (Default branch)
PyBridge is software that lets you play the card game of (contract) bridge with human players over the Internet or a local network.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: A substantial rewrite of the network code. Focus on splitting discrete services into separate components and making full use of Twisted's pb.Cacheable. Introduction of an event handler and callback mechanism, which provides an indirect interface between network code and user interface components. A facelift for the user interface: tables now display as separate windows, enhancements to the CardArea display widget, and new icons and logo artwork. Basic table chat support. Initial support for internationalization and localization via gettext.
PyBridge is software that lets you play the card game of (contract) bridge with human players over the Internet or a local network.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: A substantial rewrite of the network code. Focus on splitting discrete services into separate components and making full use of Twisted's pb.Cacheable. Introduction of an event handler and callback mechanism, which provides an indirect interface between network code and user interface components. A facelift for the user interface: tables now display as separate windows, enhancements to the CardArea display widget, and new icons and logo artwork. Basic table chat support. Initial support for internationalization and localization via gettext.
Helma 1.5.1 (Default branch)
Helma is a Web application framework for fast and efficient scripting and serving of Web sites and Internet applications. Helma employs JavaScript for its server-side scripting environment, removing the need for compilation cycles and reducing development costs while giving you instant access to leverage the whole wealth of Java libraries out there. Helma offers simple and codeless mapping of application objects to database tables. In addition, an embedded object-oriented database performs automatic data persistence of unmapped objects.
License: BSD License (revised)
Changes: Native HopObject methods are now easier to overwrite. HopObject constructors aren't removed from the global scope anymore just because they aren't referenced during global code compilation. For scripted Java objects, getResource() and getResources() have been implemented. Improved support for both PostgreSQL and MySQL databases. Improved obje
Helma is a Web application framework for fast and efficient scripting and serving of Web sites and Internet applications. Helma employs JavaScript for its server-side scripting environment, removing the need for compilation cycles and reducing development costs while giving you instant access to leverage the whole wealth of Java libraries out there. Helma offers simple and codeless mapping of application objects to database tables. In addition, an embedded object-oriented database performs automatic data persistence of unmapped objects.
License: BSD License (revised)
Changes: Native HopObject methods are now easier to overwrite. HopObject constructors aren't removed from the global scope anymore just because they aren't referenced during global code compilation. For scripted Java objects, getResource() and getResources() have been implemented. Improved support for both PostgreSQL and MySQL databases. Improved obje
aria2 0.7.1 (Default branch)
aria2 is a utility for downloading files. It has completely new design concept from its predecessor, Aria, and is written from scratch. aria2 has a segmented downloading engine in its core. It can download one file from multiple URLs or multiple connections from one URL. This results in very high speed downloading, much faster than ordinary browsers. This engine in was implemented in a single-thread model. The architecture is clean and easy to extend. aria2 currently supports HTTP, FTP, and BitTorrent. It also supports Metalink version 3.0.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release adds async DNS support using the ares library.
aria2 is a utility for downloading files. It has completely new design concept from its predecessor, Aria, and is written from scratch. aria2 has a segmented downloading engine in its core. It can download one file from multiple URLs or multiple connections from one URL. This results in very high speed downloading, much faster than ordinary browsers. This engine in was implemented in a single-thread model. The architecture is clean and easy to extend. aria2 currently supports HTTP, FTP, and BitTorrent. It also supports Metalink version 3.0.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release adds async DNS support using the ares library.
Flagpoll 0.6.0 (Default branch)
Flagpoll is a tool for developers to use meta-data files for storing information on what is needed to compile their software. Think of it as the rpm of software development. It provides developers with total control over which packages, versions, architectures, et cetera that they want to use meta-data from. Instead of specifying other packages' cflags and ldflag manually, you can call `flagpoll mylib --cflags --ldflags` and it will retrieve the flags for its package as well as its dependencies.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release cleans up argument handling by informing the user of invalid options passed in. The prefix is also exported by default, even though it may not be set, which is just output ${prefix}. The --exists option now returns yes/no depending on whether a configuration exists.
Flagpoll is a tool for developers to use meta-data files for storing information on what is needed to compile their software. Think of it as the rpm of software development. It provides developers with total control over which packages, versions, architectures, et cetera that they want to use meta-data from. Instead of specifying other packages' cflags and ldflag manually, you can call `flagpoll mylib --cflags --ldflags` and it will retrieve the flags for its package as well as its dependencies.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release cleans up argument handling by informing the user of invalid options passed in. The prefix is also exported by default, even though it may not be set, which is just output ${prefix}. The --exists option now returns yes/no depending on whether a configuration exists.
Conary 1.0.28 (Default branch)
Conary is a distributed software management system for Linux distributions. It replaces traditional package management solutions (such as RPM and dpkg) with one designed to enable loose collaboration across the Internet. It enables sets of distributed and loosely connected repositories to define the components which are installed on a Linux system. Rather than having a full distribution come from a single vendor, it allows administrators and developers to branch a distribution, keeping the pieces which fit their environment while grabbing components from other repositories across the Internet.
License: Common Public License
Changes: Primarily bugfixes for unusual cases, plus mirror:// support for the Comprehensive R Archive Network.
Conary is a distributed software management system for Linux distributions. It replaces traditional package management solutions (such as RPM and dpkg) with one designed to enable loose collaboration across the Internet. It enables sets of distributed and loosely connected repositories to define the components which are installed on a Linux system. Rather than having a full distribution come from a single vendor, it allows administrators and developers to branch a distribution, keeping the pieces which fit their environment while grabbing components from other repositories across the Internet.
License: Common Public License
Changes: Primarily bugfixes for unusual cases, plus mirror:// support for the Comprehensive R Archive Network.
WiKID Strong Authentication System 2.1.1-beta.build78 (Default branch)
The WiKID Strong Authentication System is a highly scalable, secure two-factor authentication system. It is simple to implement and maintain, allows users to be validated automatically, requires no hardware tokens, has a simple API for application support via a COM object and Java component, supports multiple domains, and supports replication for fault tolerance and scalability.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: A classpath fix for apached's control script.
The WiKID Strong Authentication System is a highly scalable, secure two-factor authentication system. It is simple to implement and maintain, allows users to be validated automatically, requires no hardware tokens, has a simple API for application support via a COM object and Java component, supports multiple domains, and supports replication for fault tolerance and scalability.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: A classpath fix for apached's control script.
Diakonos 0.8.2 (Default branch)
Diakonos is a customizable, usable console-based text editor. It features arbitrary language scripting, bookmarking, regular expression searching, parsed ("smart") indentation, macro recording and playback, a multi-element clipboard, multi-level undo, a customizable status line, completely customizable keyboard mapping, and customizable syntax highlighting.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The ability to use ';' in keychains has been added. A printKeychain command has been added. Some KDE 3.5 konsole keychains for common keys have been added to the default configuration. A use_magic_file setting has been added. A clipboard/selected diff key binding has been added.
Diakonos is a customizable, usable console-based text editor. It features arbitrary language scripting, bookmarking, regular expression searching, parsed ("smart") indentation, macro recording and playback, a multi-element clipboard, multi-level undo, a customizable status line, completely customizable keyboard mapping, and customizable syntax highlighting.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The ability to use ';' in keychains has been added. A printKeychain command has been added. Some KDE 3.5 konsole keychains for common keys have been added to the default configuration. A use_magic_file setting has been added. A clipboard/selected diff key binding has been added.
QComicBook 0.3.0 [projekty]
QComicBook wykorzystuje teraz biblioteke Imlib2 - zaowocowało to ogromnym wzrostem prędkościa działania podczas wczytywania i renderowania obrazków. Cache'owanie plików jest teraz realizowane wewnętrznie przez Imlib2. W związku z przejściem na Imlib2 została również usunięta opcja wyboru metody skalowania obrazu (nie ma zastosowania w Imlib). Usunięta też została eksperymentalna opcja tworzenia archiwów, która przez przypadek była odblokowana w wersji 0.2.8 (opcja ta jest ciągle tworzona, powinna być dostępna w następnej wersji programu). Podwójne kliknięcie lewym przyciskiem myszy powoduje teraz przejście do następnej strony komiksu.
QComicBook wykorzystuje teraz biblioteke Imlib2 - zaowocowało to ogromnym wzrostem prędkościa działania podczas wczytywania i renderowania obrazków. Cache'owanie plików jest teraz realizowane wewnętrznie przez Imlib2. W związku z przejściem na Imlib2 została również usunięta opcja wyboru metody skalowania obrazu (nie ma zastosowania w Imlib). Usunięta też została eksperymentalna opcja tworzenia archiwów, która przez przypadek była odblokowana w wersji 0.2.8 (opcja ta jest ciągle tworzona, powinna być dostępna w następnej wersji programu). Podwójne kliknięcie lewym przyciskiem myszy powoduje teraz przejście do następnej strony komiksu.
ReactOS 0.3.0 RC2
Projekt Projekt ReactOS udostępnił wersję 0.3.0 RC2 otwartego systemu operacyjnego kompatybilnego z MS Windows.
Projekt Projekt ReactOS udostępnił wersję 0.3.0 RC2 otwartego systemu operacyjnego kompatybilnego z MS Windows.
Sun otwiera Javę
W ciągu najbliższych miesięcy Sun zacznie udostępniać ważne komponenty Javy jako projekty open source - ogłosiła wiceprezes firmy, Laurie Tolson. Okazało się również, że plany Sun związane z otwieraniem Javy zajdą nieco dalej, niż się spodziewano.
W ciągu najbliższych miesięcy Sun zacznie udostępniać ważne komponenty Javy jako projekty open source - ogłosiła wiceprezes firmy, Laurie Tolson. Okazało się również, że plany Sun związane z otwieraniem Javy zajdą nieco dalej, niż się spodziewano.
HP zapowiada wsparcie dla Debiana
SAN FRANCISCO (14.08.2006) -- Hewlett-Packard podczas konferencji LinuxWorld zapowiedział wprowadzenie wsparcia technicznego dla Debiana - niekomercyjnej dystrybucji, którą wykorzystuje dla swoich serwerów: ProLiant i HP BladeSystem.
SAN FRANCISCO (14.08.2006) -- Hewlett-Packard podczas konferencji LinuxWorld zapowiedział wprowadzenie wsparcia technicznego dla Debiana - niekomercyjnej dystrybucji, którą wykorzystuje dla swoich serwerów: ProLiant i HP BladeSystem.
Piotr Waglowski - nowy członek Rady Informatyzacji
Jak podaje serwis internetowy Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrzych i Administracji, Ludwik Dorn - Wiceprezes Rady Ministrów, powołał Piotra Waglowskiego w skład Rady Informatyzacji. Piotr Waglowski znany jest z prowadzenia serwisu internetowgo , często poruszającego kwestię idei Open Source, jest również jednym z założycieli stowarzyszenia Internet Society Poland (a w latach 2001 - 2006 członkiem jego zarządu). Gratulujemy.
Jak podaje serwis internetowy Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrzych i Administracji, Ludwik Dorn - Wiceprezes Rady Ministrów, powołał Piotra Waglowskiego w skład Rady Informatyzacji. Piotr Waglowski znany jest z prowadzenia serwisu internetowgo , często poruszającego kwestię idei Open Source, jest również jednym z założycieli stowarzyszenia Internet Society Poland (a w latach 2001 - 2006 członkiem jego zarządu). Gratulujemy.
sYnergy Groupware 3.0.6 (Default branch)
sYnergy is a Web-based groupware and communication solution for use with an intranet. It includes email mailboxes, a fax viewer and sending function, contact lists, an appointment and task management function, a picture database, and a function for listening to voice messages. The extensive user management enables administrators to assign various permissions to each user and to exchange data e.g. contacts, appointments, or tasks. It also offers a function to import existing data.
License: Other/Proprietary License with Free Trial
Changes: This release fixed problems where some e-mail messages were trimmed, users could not delete bookmarks in user folders, users were not informed when their license keys expired, and the status of SSL sites was not displayed correctly at bookm
sYnergy is a Web-based groupware and communication solution for use with an intranet. It includes email mailboxes, a fax viewer and sending function, contact lists, an appointment and task management function, a picture database, and a function for listening to voice messages. The extensive user management enables administrators to assign various permissions to each user and to exchange data e.g. contacts, appointments, or tasks. It also offers a function to import existing data.
License: Other/Proprietary License with Free Trial
Changes: This release fixed problems where some e-mail messages were trimmed, users could not delete bookmarks in user folders, users were not informed when their license keys expired, and the status of SSL sites was not displayed correctly at bookm
TurboX2 0.5 (Default branch)
TurboX2 is a client for the XMMS2 music player that exploits all the possibilities of the Web 2.0 buzzword. It allows for complete manipulation of the active playlist, and browsing of the Media Library from one dynamically generated page. It also has up to the second playback information, including a functional seek bar and volume control.
License: BSD License (revised)
Changes: Lots of work has been done to optimize and clean up the code to make it suitable for consumption by those with reasonable technical abilities. Optimizations included lazy loading of the playlist as well as slow-loading, and a new event system that allows the dispatching of information from XMMS2d to be handled more cleanly in JavaScript.
TurboX2 is a client for the XMMS2 music player that exploits all the possibilities of the Web 2.0 buzzword. It allows for complete manipulation of the active playlist, and browsing of the Media Library from one dynamically generated page. It also has up to the second playback information, including a functional seek bar and volume control.
License: BSD License (revised)
Changes: Lots of work has been done to optimize and clean up the code to make it suitable for consumption by those with reasonable technical abilities. Optimizations included lazy loading of the playlist as well as slow-loading, and a new event system that allows the dispatching of information from XMMS2d to be handled more cleanly in JavaScript.
GtkPSproc 3.0 (Default branch)
GtkPSproc is a GUI frontend for PSUTILS. It allows you to adjust all programs to your printer type (for example, always sending the pages in reverse order), to group two or more pages on a single sheet, to print booklets, and to easily print in double-sided fashion. It is designed to work from nearly all programs that call LPR, acting as an intermediary between the program and LPR, but it can work alone, too.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The program can now be integrated into CUPS, so you no longer need to configure each program to use GtkPSproc. Just choose the virtual printer and print. Support for multiple printers, each with their own options was added. When printing as a book, the even pages are rotated 180 degrees to make it compatible with double-side
GtkPSproc is a GUI frontend for PSUTILS. It allows you to adjust all programs to your printer type (for example, always sending the pages in reverse order), to group two or more pages on a single sheet, to print booklets, and to easily print in double-sided fashion. It is designed to work from nearly all programs that call LPR, acting as an intermediary between the program and LPR, but it can work alone, too.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The program can now be integrated into CUPS, so you no longer need to configure each program to use GtkPSproc. Just choose the virtual printer and print. Support for multiple printers, each with their own options was added. When printing as a book, the even pages are rotated 180 degrees to make it compatible with double-side
Gallery 1.5.4 (1.0 branch)
Gallery is a slick Web-based photo album written using PHP. It is easy to install, includes a config wizard, and provides users with the ability to create and maintain their own albums in the album collection via an intuitive Web interface. Photo management includes automatic thumbnail creation, image resizing, rotation, ordering, captioning and more. Albums can have read, write, and caption permissions per individual authenticated user for an additional level of privacy.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Various bugfixes were made. There were no security enhancements.
Gallery is a slick Web-based photo album written using PHP. It is easy to install, includes a config wizard, and provides users with the ability to create and maintain their own albums in the album collection via an intuitive Web interface. Photo management includes automatic thumbnail creation, image resizing, rotation, ordering, captioning and more. Albums can have read, write, and caption permissions per individual authenticated user for an additional level of privacy.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Various bugfixes were made. There were no security enhancements.
Karra (Default branch)
Karra is a flexible, Web-based, multi-lingual system for creating digital libraries of images, documents, URLs, and associated metadata. It could be used to archive and organise an organisations photo collection, providing a historical record. It could be used in scientific study where images of particular items need to be stored with data or geographical information. Textual information can be included with each item, creating a valuable repository of data and providing a way to search for records later.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: gettext problems on Windows were fixed. template.po was removed, as it was in the wrong place. Missing fields were added to the SQL dump. A dependency on the fileinfo module was eliminated due to problems installing in Windows. &
Karra is a flexible, Web-based, multi-lingual system for creating digital libraries of images, documents, URLs, and associated metadata. It could be used to archive and organise an organisations photo collection, providing a historical record. It could be used in scientific study where images of particular items need to be stored with data or geographical information. Textual information can be included with each item, creating a valuable repository of data and providing a way to search for records later.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: gettext problems on Windows were fixed. template.po was removed, as it was in the wrong place. Missing fields were added to the SQL dump. A dependency on the fileinfo module was eliminated due to problems installing in Windows. &
Short URL Script 1.0 (Default branch)
Short URL Script allows you to have a URL shortening service under your own domain. The script can create shorter URLs that do not break in email messages. As a site owner, you can use the script for managing downloads, masking URLs, and keeping track of how many times a link has been clicked.
Short URL Script allows you to have a URL shortening service under your own domain. The script can create shorter URLs that do not break in email messages. As a site owner, you can use the script for managing downloads, masking URLs, and keeping track of how many times a link has been clicked.
AIS Parser SDK 1.0 (Default branch)
AIS Parser SDK is a library of functions allowing you to add support for Automatic Identification receivers (AIS) to your project. It parses ship positions, names, destinations, etc. from standard AIVDM messages. It includes C source and documentation.
AIS Parser SDK is a library of functions allowing you to add support for Automatic Identification receivers (AIS) to your project. It parses ship positions, names, destinations, etc. from standard AIVDM messages. It includes C source and documentation.
Rachota 2.0 (Default branch)
Rachota is a small application for those who work with computers on a daily basis and are curious how efficiently they use their time. It is basically a scheduler that measures how much time one spends on pre-defined tasks during the day. The data can be used later for evaluation or generation of reports, e.g. for managers.
Rachota is a small application for those who work with computers on a daily basis and are curious how efficiently they use their time. It is basically a scheduler that measures how much time one spends on pre-defined tasks during the day. The data can be used later for evaluation or generation of reports, e.g. for managers.
RISE Project 0.1.0 (Default branch)
The goal of the RISE (Resources and Information for Success in Education) Project is to produce software to efficiently manage and publish academic catalog information including programs, courses, and schedules.
The goal of the RISE (Resources and Information for Success in Education) Project is to produce software to efficiently manage and publish academic catalog information including programs, courses, and schedules.
Java Preferences Tool 0.7 (Default branch)
Java Preferences Tool is a simple utility for Java developers and testers, in the spirit of Microsoft's Registry Editor. It allows you to view, edit, compare, and search Java preferences.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Minor bugfixes. The source text has migrated to the Google Code repository.
Java Preferences Tool is a simple utility for Java developers and testers, in the spirit of Microsoft's Registry Editor. It allows you to view, edit, compare, and search Java preferences.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Minor bugfixes. The source text has migrated to the Google Code repository.
Paderborn University BSP Library 07-21-2006 (Default branch)
The Paderborn University BSP-Library is a C library of communication routines. These routines allow the implementation of algorithms that are designed for the BSP (Bulk Synchronous Parallel) model. It offers functions for both message passing and remote memory access. Furthermore, some collective communication operations like broadcast and parallel prefix are also provided.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Numerous minor bugfixes and code cleanups.
The Paderborn University BSP-Library is a C library of communication routines. These routines allow the implementation of algorithms that are designed for the BSP (Bulk Synchronous Parallel) model. It offers functions for both message passing and remote memory access. Furthermore, some collective communication operations like broadcast and parallel prefix are also provided.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Numerous minor bugfixes and code cleanups.
AlphaMail 1.0.10 (Default branch)
AlphaMail is a mod_perl webmail system with a C++ middleware component that is intended to make the system highly scalable. It supports many Unix variants with any RFC-compliant IMAP server (including UW, Cyrus, and Dovecot).
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: There was a serious scalability issue in the login code. The fix was fairly simple, but resulted in a 4x or better improvement in scalability and speed.
AlphaMail is a mod_perl webmail system with a C++ middleware component that is intended to make the system highly scalable. It supports many Unix variants with any RFC-compliant IMAP server (including UW, Cyrus, and Dovecot).
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: There was a serious scalability issue in the login code. The fix was fairly simple, but resulted in a 4x or better improvement in scalability and speed.
Decimail Webmail 3 alpha 8 (Default branch)
Decimail Webmail 3 is an email application written in Javascript. It is almost entirely client-side, and so has the potential for a rich and responsive user-interface. The server-side requirement is a Web server, a simple IMAP-to-HTTP proxy, and any IMAP server; this should result in lower server load than some CGI Webmail applications. The code is still relatively new and is not yet suited to widespread deployment.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Drag-and-drop functionality has been added for moving messages between mailboxes. You can try this out in the online demo.
Decimail Webmail 3 is an email application written in Javascript. It is almost entirely client-side, and so has the potential for a rich and responsive user-interface. The server-side requirement is a Web server, a simple IMAP-to-HTTP proxy, and any IMAP server; this should result in lower server load than some CGI Webmail applications. The code is still relatively new and is not yet suited to widespread deployment.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Drag-and-drop functionality has been added for moving messages between mailboxes. You can try this out in the online demo.
Tntnet 1.5.2pre4 (Development branch)
Tntnet is a Web application server for generating Web applications in C++. HTML pages with some additional tags for inclusion of C++ code are compiled into shared libraries and served from tntnet. It resembles PHP, JSP, or Mason, but the programming language used is C++, and the pages are compiled into native code before serving. Tntnet is fully multithreaded and supports HTTP keep-alive for best performance. Its dynamic pages are faster than static pages with other Web servers, while creating Web applications is simple.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Man pages have been added.
Tntnet is a Web application server for generating Web applications in C++. HTML pages with some additional tags for inclusion of C++ code are compiled into shared libraries and served from tntnet. It resembles PHP, JSP, or Mason, but the programming language used is C++, and the pages are compiled into native code before serving. Tntnet is fully multithreaded and supports HTTP keep-alive for best performance. Its dynamic pages are faster than static pages with other Web servers, while creating Web applications is simple.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Man pages have been added.
cxxtools 1.4.3 (Default branch)
cxxtools is a library of unrelated, but useful C++ classes. It contains an argument-parser, a base-64 encoder/decoder, a C++ interface to iconv, md5-stream for easy MD5 calculation, threading classes, socket classes, a dynamic exception-safe buffer, a wrapper for dlopen/dlsym, a pool template (e.g., for a connection pool in a multi-threaded application), query_params, and a class for easy parsing of CGI parameters (GET and POST) in a CGI program.
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Changes: cxxtools::iconvstream has been fixed. A new class cxxtools::IConverter simplifies the use of iconv(3) and cxxtools::iconvstream.
cxxtools is a library of unrelated, but useful C++ classes. It contains an argument-parser, a base-64 encoder/decoder, a C++ interface to iconv, md5-stream for easy MD5 calculation, threading classes, socket classes, a dynamic exception-safe buffer, a wrapper for dlopen/dlsym, a pool template (e.g., for a connection pool in a multi-threaded application), query_params, and a class for easy parsing of CGI parameters (GET and POST) in a CGI program.
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Changes: cxxtools::iconvstream has been fixed. A new class cxxtools::IConverter simplifies the use of iconv(3) and cxxtools::iconvstream.
Ruport 0.4.99 (Default branch)
Ruport (Ruby Reports) is a software library that aims to make the task of reporting less tedious and painful. It provides tools for data acquisition, database interaction, formatting, and parsing/munging. Designed to be extensible, it is possible to use Ruport for quick specific tasks as well as to build robust reporting applications.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release shows off the fruits of RuportDay2006, which includes SVG::Graph integration, a lot of API documentation, many bugfixes, and some real error messages.
Ruport (Ruby Reports) is a software library that aims to make the task of reporting less tedious and painful. It provides tools for data acquisition, database interaction, formatting, and parsing/munging. Designed to be extensible, it is possible to use Ruport for quick specific tasks as well as to build robust reporting applications.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release shows off the fruits of RuportDay2006, which includes SVG::Graph integration, a lot of API documentation, many bugfixes, and some real error messages.
Buddi 1.3.3 (Development branch)
Buddi is a simple budgeting program targeted for users with little or no financial background. It allows users to set up accounts and categories, record transactions, check spending habits, etc.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This version adds scheduled transactions, allowing users to specify certain transactions that should repeat on a regular basis, such as bills, savings, etc.
Buddi is a simple budgeting program targeted for users with little or no financial background. It allows users to set up accounts and categories, record transactions, check spending habits, etc.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This version adds scheduled transactions, allowing users to specify certain transactions that should repeat on a regular basis, such as bills, savings, etc.
SlackPkg 2.07 (Default branch)
Slackpkg is an automated package-management tool for Slackware Linux. It can do tasks such as automatic downloading and installing or upgrading, browse the MANIFEST.gz (Slackware package-contents guide), and more. Dependencies are not automatically handled. It is not a replacement for pkgtool, but a valuable add-on.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The download in 'slackpkg update' is smarter and can check in ChangeLog.txt to see if something has changed since the last update. A new 'dialog' interface. You can see the differences between old and new configuration files before removing or overwriting them. install-new has been added to install packages created in the last Slackware development cycle. Blacklist can handle whole directories, and not just single filenames. Many minor bugfixes and small features.
Slackpkg is an automated package-management tool for Slackware Linux. It can do tasks such as automatic downloading and installing or upgrading, browse the MANIFEST.gz (Slackware package-contents guide), and more. Dependencies are not automatically handled. It is not a replacement for pkgtool, but a valuable add-on.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The download in 'slackpkg update' is smarter and can check in ChangeLog.txt to see if something has changed since the last update. A new 'dialog' interface. You can see the differences between old and new configuration files before removing or overwriting them. install-new has been added to install packages created in the last Slackware development cycle. Blacklist can handle whole directories, and not just single filenames. Many minor bugfixes and small features.
MPEG Menu System Version2 1.0.8 rc2 (Default branch)
MPEG Menu System Version2 is a menu system for easy movie, audio, and image playback. It supports many common file formats, including MP3, OGG, DivX, XviD, VCD, SVCD, DVD, JPEG, PNG, and GIF. It is controlled using a remote control, USB device, or keyboard. It supports DXR3, DVB, X11, SDL, and framebuffer output.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Many small bugfixes and new "play now" functionality.
MPEG Menu System Version2 is a menu system for easy movie, audio, and image playback. It supports many common file formats, including MP3, OGG, DivX, XviD, VCD, SVCD, DVD, JPEG, PNG, and GIF. It is controlled using a remote control, USB device, or keyboard. It supports DXR3, DVB, X11, SDL, and framebuffer output.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Many small bugfixes and new "play now" functionality.
surblhost 0.5.2 (Default branch)
surblhost is a command line program that check if hostnames are blacklisted in the lists. A blacklisted hostname means that the site is referenced in spam email. Although surbl is mostly used by spam filters such as spamassassin to identify spam email, you can use surblhost for many other purposes.
surblhost is a command line program that check if hostnames are blacklisted in the lists. A blacklisted hostname means that the site is referenced in spam email. Although surbl is mostly used by spam filters such as spamassassin to identify spam email, you can use surblhost for many other purposes.
check_dir 1.0 (Default branch)
check_dir is a Nagios plugin to check the number of files in one or more directories
check_dir is a Nagios plugin to check the number of files in one or more directories
nnews 0.2 (Default branch)
nnews is an NNTP client written in C# (Mono). It currently only reads posts, but in the future will support many other things. It supports SSL-enabled servers.
nnews is an NNTP client written in C# (Mono). It currently only reads posts, but in the future will support many other things. It supports SSL-enabled servers.
CMS RSS Grabber 1.0 (Default branch)
CMS RSS Grabber is a system that grabs RSS feeds and fills the content of a CMS system. In other words, CMS content syndication through RSS. It is built in such a flexible way that it doesn't matter which CMS system it connects to. Settings inside the script let you define how you access the database.
CMS RSS Grabber is a system that grabs RSS feeds and fills the content of a CMS system. In other words, CMS content syndication through RSS. It is built in such a flexible way that it doesn't matter which CMS system it connects to. Settings inside the script let you define how you access the database.
HP2550 Toner Status 0.4 (Default branch)
HP2550 Toner Status displays the toner status of an HP2550 printer using a network connection to the printer.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Now all menus are working. The next version will be the long-awaited internationalized version.
HP2550 Toner Status displays the toner status of an HP2550 printer using a network connection to the printer.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Now all menus are working. The next version will be the long-awaited internationalized version.
whois 4.7.15 (Default branch)
whois supports all protocol extensions (RIPE, 6bone, CRSNIC) with the familiar RIPE command line interface and IPv6 support. It also automagically queries the right registry for all domains and most netblocks.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release fixes the parsing of hostname+port, which was broken by 4.7.14. It adds the .gp, .ni, and .tn TLD servers, and updates the .bh, .bn, .ec, .gy, .im, .kw, .mu, .ph, .pr, .py, .ve, and .vu TLD servers.
whois supports all protocol extensions (RIPE, 6bone, CRSNIC) with the familiar RIPE command line interface and IPv6 support. It also automagically queries the right registry for all domains and most netblocks.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release fixes the parsing of hostname+port, which was broken by 4.7.14. It adds the .gp, .ni, and .tn TLD servers, and updates the .bh, .bn, .ec, .gy, .im, .kw, .mu, .ph, .pr, .py, .ve, and .vu TLD servers.
Wt 1.1.5 (Default branch)
Wt is a C++ library for developing Web applications with an API that is widget-centric and inspired by existing C++ graphical user interface APIs. To the developer, it offers complete abstraction of any Web-specific implementation details. Under the hood, the library uses the latest techniques (AJAX) to handle user events and update the Web page.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release has a huge performance boost by keeping track of widgets that need to be repainted. In addition, the locale is parsed from the browser and used as start-up locale. More browser information is available in WEnvironment. A new example was added to the Web site that illustrates WTimer functionality.
Wt is a C++ library for developing Web applications with an API that is widget-centric and inspired by existing C++ graphical user interface APIs. To the developer, it offers complete abstraction of any Web-specific implementation details. Under the hood, the library uses the latest techniques (AJAX) to handle user events and update the Web page.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release has a huge performance boost by keeping track of widgets that need to be repainted. In addition, the locale is parsed from the browser and used as start-up locale. More browser information is available in WEnvironment. A new example was added to the Web site that illustrates WTimer functionality.
windRose 0.4.0 (Default branch)
windRose is a small application for PDAs connected to GPS receivers. It provides navigation information such as latitude, longitude, altutide, and course, distance measurement (odometer), and landmark / trip recording capabilities.
License: MIT/X Consortium License
Changes: Major bugfixes and new features have been added.
windRose is a small application for PDAs connected to GPS receivers. It provides navigation information such as latitude, longitude, altutide, and course, distance measurement (odometer), and landmark / trip recording capabilities.
License: MIT/X Consortium License
Changes: Major bugfixes and new features have been added.
Quod Libet 0.23 (Default branch)
Quod Libet is a music library management program. Rather than categorize songs by genre, artist, and album, it lets you search and display them however you want. It supports regexp-based searches, album cover display, tag editing, ReplayGain, multimedia keys, and an OSD. Also included is Ex Falso, a tag editor that has the same editing features found in Quod Libet, but does not play audio files.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Folders can be recursively selected in the filesystem view. True Audio, Speex, and Ogg FLAC files can be played and tagged. Library scans and imports are done in the background. New Japanese and Traditional Chinese translations were added.
Quod Libet is a music library management program. Rather than categorize songs by genre, artist, and album, it lets you search and display them however you want. It supports regexp-based searches, album cover display, tag editing, ReplayGain, multimedia keys, and an OSD. Also included is Ex Falso, a tag editor that has the same editing features found in Quod Libet, but does not play audio files.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Folders can be recursively selected in the filesystem view. True Audio, Speex, and Ogg FLAC files can be played and tagged. Library scans and imports are done in the background. New Japanese and Traditional Chinese translations were added.
sync2cd 1.2 (Default branch)
sync2cd is an incremental archiving tool. It allows backing up complete filesystem hierarchies to multiple backup media (e.g. CD-R). Files are archived incrementally, i.e. only new or changed files are stored during an archive operation. All entity types are supported: directories, files, symlinks, named pipes, sockets, and block and character devices.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release fixes a bug triggered by restoring special entities (symlinks, devices, etc). It fixes a bug in the script triggered by restoring an archive number greater than 7.
sync2cd is an incremental archiving tool. It allows backing up complete filesystem hierarchies to multiple backup media (e.g. CD-R). Files are archived incrementally, i.e. only new or changed files are stored during an archive operation. All entity types are supported: directories, files, symlinks, named pipes, sockets, and block and character devices.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release fixes a bug triggered by restoring special entities (symlinks, devices, etc). It fixes a bug in the script triggered by restoring an archive number greater than 7.
WebGlimpse 2.16.1 (Default branch)
WebGlimpse is a scalable, feature-rich search engine for indexing your Web site or any collection of remote sites you choose. Commercial features include customizable output formats, custom ranking/ordering of hits, fuzzy matching, boolean queries, a Web administration interface for multiple archives, logging of queries, caching of results, and more. Localized search interfaces are provided in multiple languages including Spanish, German, French, Italian, Norwegian, Finnish, Russian, Hebrew, and others. It supports 3rd party filters for indexing PDF, Word, and Excel files. A cPanel install script is available.
License: Other/Proprietary License with Source
Changes: This release improves handling of links on redirected pages (stores the correct base href in the filtered file), and al
WebGlimpse is a scalable, feature-rich search engine for indexing your Web site or any collection of remote sites you choose. Commercial features include customizable output formats, custom ranking/ordering of hits, fuzzy matching, boolean queries, a Web administration interface for multiple archives, logging of queries, caching of results, and more. Localized search interfaces are provided in multiple languages including Spanish, German, French, Italian, Norwegian, Finnish, Russian, Hebrew, and others. It supports 3rd party filters for indexing PDF, Word, and Excel files. A cPanel install script is available.
License: Other/Proprietary License with Source
Changes: This release improves handling of links on redirected pages (stores the correct base href in the filtered file), and al
HA-Tools 1.12 (Default branch)
The HA-Tools provide some programs to improve shell scripting, especially in a High Availability environment. The halockrun program provides a simple and reliable way to implement locking in shell scripts (a typical usage for halockrun is to prevent cronjobs to run simultanously), and the hatimerun program provides a time-out mechanism.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: An error that prevented successful compilation on Solaris has been fixed.
The HA-Tools provide some programs to improve shell scripting, especially in a High Availability environment. The halockrun program provides a simple and reliable way to implement locking in shell scripts (a typical usage for halockrun is to prevent cronjobs to run simultanously), and the hatimerun program provides a time-out mechanism.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: An error that prevented successful compilation on Solaris has been fixed.
SRESI 0.13.3 (Default branch)
SRESI is a smart bookmark manager. It currently sports both a command-line and a PHP interface. It works with both the standard hierarchical trees and the new and fashionable tagged bookmarks. It was developed as a way to interface both representation systems. SRESI can use, Mozilla, Opera, and XBEL bookmarks, and handles a few more exports besides. Directories and tags are used equivalently, and the final hierarchies are inferred from actual tag use.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This is the first release with a GUI, in the form of PHP scripts. They are good enough for private use, giving access to most of the CLI, but not yet safe for a public server. The CLI allows for hint editing. Messages can be sent as plain text or HTML. Saving as an archive keeps the current structures by default. SRESI can dump and restore its complete working state. A bug in Mozilla import was also papere
SRESI is a smart bookmark manager. It currently sports both a command-line and a PHP interface. It works with both the standard hierarchical trees and the new and fashionable tagged bookmarks. It was developed as a way to interface both representation systems. SRESI can use, Mozilla, Opera, and XBEL bookmarks, and handles a few more exports besides. Directories and tags are used equivalently, and the final hierarchies are inferred from actual tag use.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This is the first release with a GUI, in the form of PHP scripts. They are good enough for private use, giving access to most of the CLI, but not yet safe for a public server. The CLI allows for hint editing. Messages can be sent as plain text or HTML. Saving as an archive keeps the current structures by default. SRESI can dump and restore its complete working state. A bug in Mozilla import was also papere
LinuxBIOS 2-2376 (Default branch)
LinuxBIOS is a project that aims to replace the normal BIOS with a little bit of hardware initialization and a compressed Linux kernel that can be booted from a cold start.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release adds ite/it8671f Superio support, and initial support for the SUNW Ultra40 mainboard. There are many bugfixes.
LinuxBIOS is a project that aims to replace the normal BIOS with a little bit of hardware initialization and a compressed Linux kernel that can be booted from a cold start.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release adds ite/it8671f Superio support, and initial support for the SUNW Ultra40 mainboard. There are many bugfixes.
JOOReports 2.0rc2 (Default branch)
JooReports is a solution for generating dynamic documents and reports in Java based on Templates can be easily composed with a word processor. Documents can be generated in PDF, Word, and other formats. Data sources include POJOs and XML.
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Changes: This release adds mechanisms for inserting expressions and directives visually into the template, removing the need to hand-edit the OpenDocument source XML. Image substitution has also been made more flexible and robust.
JooReports is a solution for generating dynamic documents and reports in Java based on Templates can be easily composed with a word processor. Documents can be generated in PDF, Word, and other formats. Data sources include POJOs and XML.
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Changes: This release adds mechanisms for inserting expressions and directives visually into the template, removing the need to hand-edit the OpenDocument source XML. Image substitution has also been made more flexible and robust.
Linux DC++ 0.1c (Default branch)
Linux DC++ is a project to port the DC++ direct connect client to Linux or any POSIX-compliant Unix.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Major fixes, including a massive amount of memory leaks and GUI freezes. A more user-friendly interface.
Linux DC++ is a project to port the DC++ direct connect client to Linux or any POSIX-compliant Unix.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Major fixes, including a massive amount of memory leaks and GUI freezes. A more user-friendly interface.
SmsDumper 0.8.2 (Default branch)
SmsDumper is a Java client for the Clickatell service to send SMSes to GSM mobile phones from the Internet.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release adds an option to force the sender identifier.
SmsDumper is a Java client for the Clickatell service to send SMSes to GSM mobile phones from the Internet.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release adds an option to force the sender identifier.
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