01 August 2006


phpAlbum.net (Default branch)
phpAlbum.net is an easy to install and run photo album and gallery script. It doesn't require a database and features automatic installation on an FTP server with just a few clicks. It generates thumbnails and resized photos and supports password directory protection, access logs, short and longer description of directories and photos, and an admin section for creating new directories, uploading photos, and deleting them. HTML layout is separated from the functional code, and two themes are available.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: A bug regarding the display of filenames under images was fixed.
mod_musicindex 1.1.1 (Default branch)
mod_musicindex is an Apache module aimed at being a C implementation of the Perl module Apache::MP3. It allows nice displaying of directories containing MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, or MP4 files, including sorting them on various fields, streaming/downloading them, constructing playlists, and searching.
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Changes: This release introduces a complete rewrite of the client/server data exchange algorithm, fixing a bug preventing access to files containing certain non-ASCII characters. It also fixes a couple of minor bugs in cache and search results handling.
PyPE 2.6.2 (Default branch)
PyPE (Python Programmers Editor) is a lightweight but powerful editor. Tools for the new and seasoned user alike are included out of the box, including syntax coloring, multiple open documents with tabs, per-document browsable source trees, and many others.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Constant streaming of exception text when using Python or Command shells was fixed. Optional user-chosen background highlighting for the current line was added.
Areca 3.2.2 (Default branch)
Areca is a file backup system that supports data compression and encryption, incremental backups, a file history explorer, and many other features. It includes a transaction mechanism, which guarantees the integrity of your backups. Two user interfaces are available: a command-line interface (useful for backup process automation) and a graphical user interface (useful for general administration tasks).
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: A "new version check" module was included.
DPML SDK 1.0.0 (Default branch)
The DPML SDK is a management platform for Java-based component development, resource management, and deployment. It is composed of the Transit resource management layer, the Depot multi-project build system, the Metro component management runtime engine, and the Station application management console.
KMush 0.4 (Default branch)
KMush is a simple MU* client for the K Desktop Environment that uses the QtJava/KDEJava bindings. Its intended use is for soft coding and role playing in MUSH environments.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release features a new installation process using ahead of time compilation and linking with GCJ and the Autotools (configure, make, make install), as well as a number of bugfixes and feature completions. The Java sources are now compiled and linked by GCJ into an executable. A standard installation is now as easy as 'make install'.
StereoVideoLib 20060718 (Default branch)
StereoVideoLib is a C library that can be used to explore stereo video processing on a Mac with two iSight cameras. It takes care of capturing and drawing the frames. The video processing happens in C callback functions that are provided by the application programmer. The callbacks have direct access to the pixel data.
MetaStock Data Conversion Command Line Utils 1.7.6 (Default branch)
The MetaStock Data Conversion Command Line Utils are utilities to convert from MetaStock binary data (MASTER and Fxxx.DAT) format to MetaStock ASCII (8 Field) format and back.
License: Freeware
Changes: ms2asc now has a --descMaster command option for describing the contents of the database. A new Perl script for sorting ms2asc outputted data was also added.
Ragel State Machine Compiler 5.10 (Default branch)
Ragel compiles finite state machines from regular languages into C, C++, Objective-C, or D code. It allows the programmer to embed actions at any point in a regular language, and to control non-determinism in the resulting machines. It understands concatenation, union, kleene star, subtraction, intersection, epsilon transitions, and various other common operators. It also supports the construction of scanners and the building of state machines using state charts. It can be used to create very fast recognizers and parsers that are also robust.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The implementation of condition searching in generated code was improved. The -G2 directly executable code generation was sped up for large state machines. A split version of the directly executable code generation was added. The initial backup of p in generated code was eliminated. Test cases were added.
StatsDawg 0.65 (Default branch)
StatsDawg is a suite that has been designed to be easily usable as well as configurable. It monitors various aspects of a Linux system such as CPU usage, load average, memory usage, etc. using RRDTool and PHP.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: MySQL graphing support was added. An invalid URL in the footer was fixed.
G15Daemon 1.2 (Default branch)
G15daemon takes control of the Logitech G15 keyboard, allowing the use of all keys through the Linux kernel uinput device driver. It also controls the use of the keyboard's LCD display, allows multiple client applications to connect, and gives the user the ability to quickly switch between LCD client applications. It uses libg15 from g15tools for keyboard control.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Python bindings were added. LCD clients can now receive L, G, and M keys directly from the daemon. The LCD switch key was changed from L1 to MR to allow clients full use of the 'L' keys. The MR key is now backlit when clients are connected. Clients are able to change backlight brightness, LCD contrast, and 'M' key LEDs. libG15Render support was added to the daemon. LCD cli
LinkAssistant 2.3.2 (Default branch)
LinkAssistant is a tool that helps you to increase your Website's link popularity. It allows you to find and qualify thousands of link partners, manage your email correspondence, easily generate a custom links page for your site, and upload it via FTP.
License: Shareware
Changes: A new module for exporting keyword data was added. The charts were improved and made easier to access. Two new meta-tags were added for customizing your link directory as well as emails to be sent, etc. This update is recommended for all users as it improves performance and stability.
AlphaMail 1.0.8 (Default branch)
AlphaMail is a mod_perl webmail system with a C++ middleware component that is intended to make the system highly scalable. It supports many Unix variants with any RFC-compliant IMAP server (including UW, Cyrus, and Dovecot).
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Address book import was updated to support Mac line terminations. An alias was added for tis-620 Thai encoding. The upper-left logo is now configurable. An abort that happened if a mail message had corrupt MIME words was fixed.
sshproxy 0.5-beta0 (Default branch)
sshproxy is a pure Python implementation of an SSH proxy. It allows users to connect to remote sites without having to remember the password or key of the remote sites.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: A major rewrite of the code was undertaken to add a powerful and extremely flexible ACL engine. The backend has been split in three parts (client, site, ACL), and each can be implemented with a different database driver (only MySQL and plain files are currently implemented).
Google APIlity 1.4.5 (Default branch)
The APIlity PHP Library provides an object-oriented way to easily access and manage the Google AdWords API from within PHP. This comes along with an abstraction from the SOAP and WSDL details.
License: BSD License (revised)
Changes: The ability to select different match types for Campaign Negative Criteria was added. This changes the parameters and return values of the following setCampaignNegativeKeywordCriteria(), setCampaignNegativeWebsiteCriteria(), getCampaignNegativeKeywordCriteria(), getCampaignNegativeWebsiteCriteria(), and toXml() functions. THe getCsvReport() function was fixed along with a bug in getAdGroupData() where an attribute was wrong and getCriterionData(), where an attribute was missing.
Quake III Arena Cell Shading 1.0 (Default branch)
Quake III Arena Cell Shading is a modification for Quake III Arena which makes the game look like a painting or cartoon. Two techniques are used. The default one (Kuwahara filtering) simplifies the texture a bit, and the second one removes the texture, so it looks plain.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release added an alternative cell shading algorithm (white texture). Rocket smoke trails and sprites like text and buttons are not cell shaded. Mirrors now work as expected. A sky/depth bug was fixed. A new makefile was provided, which should simplify building under Linux. r_celshadalgo and r_celoutline variables were added.
Nvclock 0.8 (Beta2) (Stable branch)
Nvclock allows you to tweak your Nvidia card under Linux and FreeBSD. It features overclocking, hardware monitoring, tweaking of OpenGL settings, and much more.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This version features lots of bugfixes and support for the GeForce 7300/7600/7800GS/7900, Smartdimmer support for 7600Go laptops, fan speed adjustment support for 7600/7800GS/7900 cards, support for ADT7473/W83781D sensors, PCI ID modding support, fan speed adjustment and temperature fixes for NV3x/NV4x boards, pipeline modding fixes, BIOS parsing fixes, and improved experimental low-level overclocking and clock reading for NV4x/G7x boards.
cfg2html 3.27 (HP-UX branch)
Cfg2html is a UNIX shell script that creates HTML and plain ASCII system documentation for software and hardware configurations. It supports HP-UX 10.xx/11.xx, SunOS/Solaris, AIX, SCO Open Server, Linux (SUSE, Debian, and Red Hat), and NT4.0/Win2000 systems. Plugins for SAP R/3, Oracle, Informix, Samba and SWAT, ITO and NNM, XP-Surestore Storage, EVA, SureStore E, SuperDome, OLA/R, SCM, AutoRAID, FC60, Tip/X, MC/SG, and Dataprotector/OmniBack are included.
License: Freeware
Changes: Major updates were made and many new features were added.
cfg2html 1.25 (Linux branch)
Cfg2html is a UNIX shell script that creates HTML and plain ASCII system documentation for software and hardware configurations. It supports HP-UX 10.xx/11.xx, SunOS/Solaris, AIX, SCO Open Server, Linux (SUSE, Debian, and Red Hat), and NT4.0/Win2000 systems. Plugins for SAP R/3, Oracle, Informix, Samba and SWAT, ITO and NNM, XP-Surestore Storage, EVA, SureStore E, SuperDome, OLA/R, SCM, AutoRAID, FC60, Tip/X, MC/SG, and Dataprotector/OmniBack are included.
License: Freeware
Changes: A lot of new things were added.
hdrtools 1.1 (Default branch)
hdrtools is a collection of tools that use Brightside's image compression software to compress HDR (high dynamic range) JPEG and MPEG images with minimal loss of information.
TTY Redirector 4.0 (Default branch)
TTYredirector is a serial port redirector that allows Linux-based applications to access hundreds of serial device servers and modem pools offered by over 40 manufacturers worldwide. It supports public TCP/IP protocols, automated server login, local signal emulation, remote port initialization using the RFC 2217 COM Port Control protocol, remote port synchronization, data rate limiting, and many other features for compatibility with applications and servers. A special device driver is not required, and TTYredirector is implemented as a high-performance multi-threaded daemon for scaling up to hundreds of networked devices for large applications.
Zeta 0.4 (Default branch)
Zeta is a virtual platform or architecture. It is implemented in a software emulator, and it was created for the sole purpose of having a new target to which the Linux kernel, GNU bintutils, and GNU gcc can be ported.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release uses the latest binutils, gcc, and Linux kernel. The toolchain is stable and tested, so the focus can now move to the kernel port.
recordMyDesktop 0.2.3 (Default branch)
recordMyDesktop is a program that captures audio and video data from a Linux desktop session, producing an Ogg-encapsulated Theora-Vorbis file. The main goal is to be as unobstrusive as possible by proccessing only regions of the screen that have changed.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Distorted coloring on PowerPCs (and all big endian architectures) has been corrected. The program no longer fails to respect a change in the number of channels while opening the soundcard, which in previous versions resulted in crashes, segfaults, and repeated error messages.
Spike PHP Security Audit Tool 0.23 (Default branch)
Spike PHP Security Audit Tool is a tool that performs a static analysis of PHP code for security exploits.
License: Open Software License
Changes: Modified to be PHP 4 friendly. A few functions have been added to the knowledge base: extract, shell_exec, pcntl_exec, and exec. The organization of the knowledge base file (vuln_db.xml) has been slightly improved. The _getAllPhpFiles function may miss a few (unverified). The tokenizer needs to be able to differentiate between a native function call and class method call of the same name, i.e. mail() and $class->mail().
SRESI 0.12.1 (Default branch)
SRESI is a smart bookmark manager, with many interesting tricks sadly bundled in a lousy interface. SRESI works with both the standard hierarchical trees and the new and fashionable tagged bookmarks. It was developed as a way to interface both representation systems. SRESI can use Del.icio.us, Mozilla, Opera, and XBEL bookmarks, and handles a few more exports besides. Directories and tags are used equivalently, and the final hierarchies are inferred from actual tag use.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The calling name for the full portal was changed and not propagated in the CLI interface. The way to handle the tree title was changed, and the re-titling function was not adjusted accordingly. A bug was fixed in the tree mapping function. Two exceptions that should not have been caught so early are now allowed through in the Bookmarks module. Some more edition functions unbalance the tree instea
Python milter 0.8.6 (Default branch)
The milter module for Python provides a python interface to Sendmail's libmilter that exploits all its features. Milters can run on the same machine as sendmail, or another machine. The milter can even run with a different operating system or processor than sendmail. Sendmail talks to the milter via a local or internet socket, and keeps the milter informed of events as it processes a mail connection. At any point, the milter can cut the conversation short by telling sendmail to ACCEPT, REJECT, or DISCARD the message. After receiving a complete message from sendmail, the milter can again REJECT or DISCARD it, but it can also ACCEPT it with changes to the headers or body.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release fixes "out of thread resources" errors caused by spammers who use tarpits.
Python SRS Library 0.30.11 (Default branch)
Python SRS Library is a Python translation of the Perl reference implementation for SRS (Sender Rewriting Scheme) with easy to install packaging and built-in sendmail integration. SRS is needed when forwarding mail for SMTP authorization schemes that publish which IPs are authorized to send mail from a domain (for example SPF - Sender Policy Framework). It can also detect forged SMTP bounces by signing the return path for outgoing mail.
License: Python License
Changes: This release supports signing mode.
OST-Box 0.3.1-pre6 (Default branch)
OST-Box is a set-top box user interface. It provides an integrated way to access to all kinds of media, with only a remote command (lirc). The current features include TV and Web radio support, browsing and editing of photo and MP3 collections, playing of video, and starting external programs (for watching DVDs, TV, etc.). Differents looks are available through a skin system. The interface is entirely written in XML and JavaScript (using Mozilla Spidermonkey). The xine engine is also embedded for playing music.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This pre-release focuses on XML TV support. Other changes include a reworked channel selector, support for XINE as a TV viewer, a new Spanish translation, and corrections for some bugs introduced in 0.3.0.
Yana 4 PHP Framework 2.8 beta 3 (Default branch)
The Yana Framework is a component framework for developing PHP applications. It can be expanded with your own plugins (components). It includes skin and template support, multiple languages (German and English by default), mature administration functionality, multiple installation profiles, user login and administration, a database API based on PEAR-DB that also offers database schema support, and a GUI/code generator for your own plugins. It also includes an easy to use query tool that automatically maps database commands to a flat file if no database support is available. Plugins provided with this software are a guestbook, an RSS to HTML converter, and a search engine. Complete (German) documentation is included.
License: Free for non-commercial use
Changes: This version introdu
Io programming language 2006-07-31 (Development branch)
Io is small prototype-based programming language. It is a pure object language, and it features an incremental garbage collector, exceptions, light weight threads, and embeddability.
License: BSD License (revised)
Changes: This release makes the initial move to supporting bindings as dynamic libraries. BigNum and AppleExtras bindings have been added. Various fixes were made, and instances of Block created using block() are now only activatable by calling their call() method.
libconfigduo 0.9 (Default branch)
libconfig is a compact, portable library for reading, manipulating, and writing structured configuration files. The library includes bindings for both the C and C++ languages, and works on Linux, Mac OS X, and other POSIX-compliant operating systems, as well as Windows. A complete manual with API documentation is included.
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Changes: This release adds support for lists (nestable arrays of heterogeneous elements) and hexadecimal integers, new cast operators in the C++ API, and assorted bugfixes and expanded documentation.
Sturmbahnfahrer 1.2 (Default branch)
Sturmbahnfahrer is a simulated obstacle course for automobiles.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The install target has been improved. Support for cursor keys has been added. The remnants of controllerpark have been removed. Custom key mapping has been added. This release will not close the ALSA device if it was not opened.
MaxDB by MySQL (7.6.00.x branch)
MaxDB is a re-branded and enhanced version of SAP DB, SAP AG's open source database. It is a heavy-duty, SAP-certified open source database that offers high availability, scalability and a comprehensive feature set. MaxDB complements the MySQL database server, targeted for large mySAP ERP environments and other applications that require maximum enterprise-level database functionality. It is available for a wide range of platforms, including Linux on several different architectures and Windows.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release features bugfixes and performance improvements.
Liferea 1.0.19 (Default branch)
Liferea (Linux Feed Reader) is a fast, easy to use, and easy to install GNOME news aggregator for online news feeds. It supports a number of different feed formats including RSS/RDF, CDF, Atom, OCS, and OPML.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release fixes two bugs that caused crashes when using DBUS or when running on an AMD-64 platform.
DBMAIL 2.1.7 (Development branch)
The DBMAIL package replaces the normal UNIX mailing system. All email and user data is stored in a database. You can create an unlimited number of email accounts, which can be checked using the POP3 or IMAP protocol. Users can maintain their own set of email addresses. It is more scalable, more secure, and faster than traditional mail systems. DBMAIL has storage drivers for PostgreSQL and MySQL, and it has authentication drivers for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and LDAP.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release focuses on eliminating memory allocation errors and memory leaks, zombies resulting from high load levels, and delivery failures due to database and LDAP errors. Sieve sorting has been greatly improved. The documentation has been improved and many more minor fixes
XennoBB 2.1.0 (Default branch)
XennoBB is an easy-to-use bulletin board. It is very fast, stable, secure, and modern. It features a simple but powerful templating system which allows you to integrate the forum into any Web site with just a few code changes. Its modular design allows you to plug in third-party modules or plugins into your forum.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release adds new features to XennoBB, spam control and blocking, custom profile fields, new module hooks, multi/quick quoting, sending posts to a friend, etc.
Decimail Webmail 3 alpha 7 (Default branch)
Decimail Webmail 3 is an email application written in Javascript. It is almost entirely client-side, and so has the potential for a rich and responsive user-interface. The server-side requirement is a Web server, a simple IMAP-to-HTTP proxy, and any IMAP server; this should result in lower server load than some CGI Webmail applications. The code is still relatively new and is not yet suited to widespread deployment.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: A menu bar and commands to create, rename, and delete mailboxes have been added to the user interface. An online demo is now available.
phpBB Rivals 0.7.0 (Default branch)
phpBB Rivals is a gaming system that offers complete ladder, clan, and tournament scripts in one convenient package. It is highly customizable, expandable, and configurable with a pleasant GUI.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release has a different file structure. The code is cleaner and slightly more optimized. Clan cloning is complete. The member control panel is complete. You can now rank clans by rating. ACP has been completely rebuilt.
PHP Poker Engine 3.1 (Default branch)
PHP Poker Engine can be used to implement a Poker game engine. It has a class that can deal and shuffle a deck of cards. There is another class that can evaluate a deck of cards to check whether it matches a Poker sequence. If the deck matches a Poker sequence, it returns the name of the sequence and the number of points it is worth in the Poker game.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The erroneous reference to the "include" files for secondPairTest and fhTest were removed. Also, the missing getKickerText methods were added to pairs and high cards.
F-Script 1.3.4 (Default branch)
F-Script is a lightweight scripting layer specifically designed for the Mac OS X object system (i.e. Cocoa). It provides scripting and interactive access to Cocoa frameworks and custom Objective-C objects. It aims to be a useful and fun tool for both beginners and experts, allowing interactively exploring, testing, and using Cocoa-based objects and frameworks.
License: BSD License (revised)
Changes: This maintenance release fixes a bug and includes minor graphical and internal improvements.
Fityk 0.7.5 (Default branch)
Fityk is nonlinear curve-fitting and data analysis software. It allows data visualization, separation of overlapping peaks, and least squares fitting using standard Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, a genetic algorithm, or Nelder-Mead simplex method. It knows about many functions (mostly bell-shaped, like Gaussian, Loretzian, Pearson 7, Voigt, Pseudo-Voigt, and Doniach-Sunjic) and user-defined functions can be easily added. It also enables background substracting, data calibration, and task automation with a simple script language. It is being developed to analyze powder diffraction patterns, but is also used in chromatography, photoluminescence, infrared, and Raman spectroscopy, and can be used to fit analytical functions to any kind of data. The most similar program to Fityk is probably PeakFit.
License: GNU General Public License
Dada Mail 2.10.10 beta 1 (Development branch)
Dada Mail is an intuitive, Web-based email list management system, which runs on any hosting account that can execute custom CGI scripts. Dada Mail is also a conceptual art project. Dada Mail handles double opt-in/opt-out subscriptions, and can send complex announce-only and/or discussion mailing list messages. It also provides archiving, viewing, searching, resending, and syndicating (through RSS or Atom) sent messages. Dada Mail produces valid XHTML and sticks to best practices when creating email messages.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release features over 33 bugs fixed that were encountered from the 2.10.9 series.
ACE 1.4a-pl10 (OCI branch)
The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE) is an object-oriented (OO) C++ framework that helps you develop and deploy high-performance networked applications faster and with less code to write and maintain. ACE is especially useful for systems that use network and/or inter-process communications and that take advantage of multithreading. While the ACE source code is free, that's not the only way you save money with ACE. ACE's wrappers and higher-level patterns help you develop your software quickly and portably, helping you to complete your projects on time and within budget.
License: OSI Approved
Changes: The character array code has been sanitized. There is a workaround for deadlocks experienced with some compilers on creating a ACE_Static_Object_Lock instance, and a workaround for SOCK_Dgram::send for VxWorks when the target is multicast. Support has been added for wide character builds. There are bugfixes and
VirgoFtp 1.3.5 (Default branch)
VirgoFTP is a multi-platform, graphical FTP client. It provides an interface like CuteFTP's, but its codebase has been developed from scratch and includes functionality that corresponds to CuteFTP. The goal is to provide a convenient, powerful, and secure FTP client which not only has a high quality user interface, but also has a rich feature set in non-Windows platforms.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This version adds a Windows release and fixes some bugs with running on XP. Some behaviors of the Combo path of the browser have been improved. A bug in listing the directory has been fixed, as well as other small bugs.
Comix 3.4 (Default branch)
Comix is a user-friendly, customizable image viewer. It is specifically designed to handle comic books, but also serves as a generic viewer. It reads images in ZIP, RAR, or tar archives (also gzip or bzip2 compressed) as well as plain image files. It is written in Python and uses GTK+ through the PyGTK bindings.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release includes a number of new features such as advanced image data in the preference dialog, a delete image command, lossless JPEG rotation commands, new toolbar buttons, smarter space key scrolling, a Traditional Chinese translation, and more.
OpenDBX 1.0.2 (Stable branch)
OpenDBX is an extremely lightweight but extensible C library for accessing databases with a single API. It provides a clean and simple interface across all supported databases that leads to an elegant code design automatically. Currently, Firebird/Interbase, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and SQL Server (MS and Sybase) are supported, and backends for more native database APIs can be written easily.
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Changes: Due to an incorrect pointer handed over to dlclose(), a segfault was likely to occur when calling odbx_finish(). It may not occur on the first call, but the more often your program reestablishes a connection, the higher the probability. Another correction was related to the pgsql backend, which returned 't' and 'f' instead of '1' and '0' for boolean values.
Gideon Designer 2.7.2 (Default branch)
Gideon is an innovative GUI builder for GTK+. It is an advanced IDE-embeddable RAD tool designed to fulfill the needs of desktop programmers who want to create multi-platform GTK+ based applications with minimal GUI coding. Gideon is full-featured yet elegant: its unique Property Explorer solves many GUI constructing tasks in a versatile manner without additional popup dialogs. The project is targeted to develop a tool that is coherent and highly productive for GTK+ experts as well as simple and accessible for newcomers.
Jomic 0.9.22 (Default branch)
Jomic is a viewer for comic books stored in CBZ, CBR, and PDF files. Features include a two page mode, caching, and support for several image formats (PNG, JFIF/JPEG, TIFF, and GIF).
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release adds full screen mode, improves unrar integration, adds the ability to clear the cache directory from the command line, and fixes a few bugs.
IT++ 3.10.3 (Default branch)
IT++ is a C++ library of mathematical, signal processing, speech processing, and communications classes and functions. It is being developed by researchers in these areas and is widely used by researchers, both in the communications industry and universities. Since 2004, IT++ is also being developed as a part of the European Network of Excellence (NEWCOM).
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Only minor modifications and bugfixes have been made.
PHlyMail 3.04.03 (Lite branch)
PHlyMail is a Webmail and data hosting application. It features folders, IMAP, unlimited POP3 profiles, SMS support (send short messages to cell phones), templates, and multilingual support. It uses either sendmail or SMTP to send email, and can handle MIME. Support for IDN (Internationalized Domain Names) ís included. Through its modular design, various new functions (like RSS, personal file storage, a bookmark manager, etc.) are easily included.
License: Mozilla Public License (MPL)
Changes: There were a few issues with the AutoUpdate client, which did not work correctly under some circumstances. These should be fixed.

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