phpMyAdmin 2.9.0-rc1 is released
Welcome to this first release candidate. It now contains a minimal and displays links to international MySQL doc whenever possible. (0 comments)
Welcome to this first release candidate. It now contains a minimal and displays links to international MySQL doc whenever possible. (0 comments)
No more cryptic error messages with PHP custom error handlers
PHP comes with built-in tools to let the developer trap script errors and divert them to their own user-defined error handler. You can program this handler to display a more informative error message, log the error to a file or database and/or take remedial action.
PHP comes with built-in tools to let the developer trap script errors and divert them to their own user-defined error handler. You can program this handler to display a more informative error message, log the error to a file or database and/or take remedial action.
GNOME 2.16
Po sześciu miesiącach pracy deweloperów wczoraj ukazało się kolejne stabilne wydanie środowiska graficznego GNOME - 2.16 . Jak zwykle nowa wersja przynosi całą masę poprawek, nowych funkcji i usprawnień . Więcej informacji o nowym GNOME na stronie: , a w okolicach marca 2007 czeka nas podobno wersja 2.18...
Po sześciu miesiącach pracy deweloperów wczoraj ukazało się kolejne stabilne wydanie środowiska graficznego GNOME - 2.16 . Jak zwykle nowa wersja przynosi całą masę poprawek, nowych funkcji i usprawnień . Więcej informacji o nowym GNOME na stronie: , a w okolicach marca 2007 czeka nas podobno wersja 2.18...
Achieve XML development metamorphosis with some Butterfly XML IDE magic
Developing XML applications and performing transformations using XSLT is a complicated process, especially if you are not using proper tools. The Butterfly XML IDE is an open source tool that can greatly improve your XML development efficiency with features such as multiple open documents in tabs, element completion, and the ability to test XSL transformations.
Developing XML applications and performing transformations using XSLT is a complicated process, especially if you are not using proper tools. The Butterfly XML IDE is an open source tool that can greatly improve your XML development efficiency with features such as multiple open documents in tabs, element completion, and the ability to test XSL transformations.
10+ things you should know about service oriented architecture (SOA)
A fair amount of confusion and misconception surrounds the SOA approach. This list demystifies key SOA concepts and looks at the benefits you can achieve by implementing a services architecture.
A fair amount of confusion and misconception surrounds the SOA approach. This list demystifies key SOA concepts and looks at the benefits you can achieve by implementing a services architecture.
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