07 September 2006

How the Java Native Interface works

Akademia Linuksa zaprasza na otwarte warsztaty antyspamowe
W sobotę, 16 września, Akademia Linuksa zaprasza wszystkich administratorów większych i mniejszych sieci na otwarte warsztaty antyspamowe. Udział w warsztatach jest bezpłatny.
Discover how the Java Native Interface works
Peter V. Mikhalenko offers an introduction on the Java Native Interface (JNI) and describes how native types are mapped to Java types and classes. Benefits of the JNI include its performance and its ability to preserve legacy code and add more functionality to your Java app.
Why you may want to build rather than buy a .NET app
There are many options when faced with an application development project. You can opt to build it completely from the ground up, utilize a pre-built commercial or open source solution, or go with a hybrid solution. Tony Patton offers his input on each of these options."

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