11 September 2006

PHP Whois

Mandriva 2007 RC1
Ukazała się pierwsza wersja RC nowej Mandrivy 2007, z okazji widocznej pełni nad Paryżem nazwana Mona (wg. mitologii skandynawskiej imię boga księżyca).
PHP Whois script
With this PHP class is it possible to check the whois information for domain names. If the result for a query is negative that a standard message is given. Special features: String validation for the name part, dynamic select menu for the defined tld's, domain check or full domain query, multiple domain check. New! .eu and .us type domain names are supported now.
Toying with template parameters in SQL Server 2005
Arthur Fuller details some slick things that you can do with the template parameters in SQL Server 2005. He also points out a potential problem with this feature, which he says shouldn't deter developers from using it.
What Web developers need to know about working with IE7
Tony Patton discusses the enhancements in Internet Explorer 7 that may have a direct impact on Web developers' everyday duties.
Making use of INSTEAD-OF triggers in SQL Server 2005
INSTEAD-OF triggers are powerful objects in SQL Server 2005. Tim Chapman explores some of the useful features of INSTEAD-OF triggers, and discusses how your organization can use them to its advantage.
SILVERCODERS DocToText 0.2.0 [projekty]
W nowej wersji została dodana obsługa dokumentów RTF.
Keyword Finder and Meta Tag Analyzer GPL
RankQuest SEO Tools 1.1 (Default branch) RankQuest SEO Tools aims to help Web masters in search engine optimization. Its Keyword Finder and Meta Tag Analyzer are among the most important tools for SEO. Keyword Finder lists the keywords in the meta keyword tag of a site. Meta Tag Analyzer examines the meta information of a site and tells you if the content is search engine friendly or not. Many search engines uses the details in the meta tag for ranking purpose, so this tag must be effectively analyzed for improvement in ranking.

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