08 April 2008

MVC framework for PHP with a built-in templating engine. GPL

Mac's PHP MVC Framework 0.6.0 comes with an integrated, AJAX-driven, flat file CMS solution. It was made with future extendability in mind. It is easy to install, easy to use, and has a very short learning curve. It also comes bundled with many PHP and JavaScript libraries. The framework generates SEF (search engine friendly) URLs right out of the box.
PHP-based administration package for PostgreSQL. GPL
phpPgAdmin 4.2 has all the basic functionality you need to completely administer a PosgreSQL server and/or database, including the ability to administer views, sequences, stored procedures, and triggers. Features include the ability to create and drop databases; create, copy, drop, and alter tables/views/sequences/functions/triggers; edit and add fields (to the extent Postgres allows); execute any SQL-statement, even batch-queries; manage keys on fields; create and read dumps of database and tables; and administer one single database, multiple servers, and Postgres users/groups.

01 April 2008

Google AdWords: Keyword Tool

Google AdWords: Keyword Tool
Keyword Tool: " Use the Keyword Tool to get new keyword ideas. Select an option below to enter a few descriptive words or phrases, or type in your website's URL"
Keyword Suggestion Tool
Seo Book: "Try The Coolest Keyword Research Tool Today! Enter your keyword. This tool is powered by Wordtracker."
Bieg po linki: "Systemy wymiany linków dynamicznych: http://www.e-weblink.com http://www.powerlink.pl/ http://www.linkorn.pl/ Systemy wymiany linków stałych: http://www.linkme.pl http://www.linker.pl/ http://www.livelink.pl/ Platformy wymiany: http://www.webmachine.pl/{/link} Spisy katalogów: http://spis.presellpage.pl/ Publikowanie artykułów do przedruku: http://www.artelis.pl http://www.artykularnia.pl Fora z ogłoszeniami wymiany: http://forum.optymalizacja.com http://forum.webinside.pl/"