11 July 2008

Yahoo seeks search developers for ad revenue

openSUSE Build Service 1.0
Warszawa, 10 lipca 2008 r. -- openSUSE, ogólnoświatowy projekt budowy społecznościowej dystrybucji systemu Linux, udostępnił openSUSE Build Service 1.0 - narzędzie w znacznym stopniu ułatwiające programistom współtworzenie oprogramowania. Cechą wyróżniającą openSUSE Build Service jest fakt, że jako jedyne tego rodzaju rozwiązanie na rynku umożliwia tworzenie i pielęgnację pakietów oprogramowania dla różnych dystrybucji Linuksa, w tym openSUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise firmy Novell, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Mandriva, Red Hat i Ubuntu. Pierwsza główna wersja narzędzia openSUSE Build Service 1.0 zapewni szybsze wykorzystanie wkładu społeczności, a także zapewni pełną przejrzystość procesu tworzenia społecznościowej dystrybucji openSUSE.
Yahoo seeks search developers for ad revenue
In an attempt to boost its search-ad business, Yahoo has begun a project that lets anyone build a customised search engine atop the Internet company's technology.

20 June 2008

openSUSE 11.0 już dostępny

SLES spełnia wymagania Departamentu Obrony USA w zakresie protokołów internetowych
Novell poinformował, że jako pierwszy dostawca systemu Linux znalazł się na liście produktów zatwierdzonych przez amerykański Departament Obrony (U.S. Department of Defense Unified Capabilities Approved Products List, APL), po tym, jak SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Service Pack 2 (SP2) uzyskał od Agencji Obronnych Systemów Informacyjnych (Defense Information System Agency) specjalny certyfikat zgodności (Special Interoperability Certification ) dla protokołu IPv6. Certyfikat ten gwarantuje, że klienci firmy Novell, w tym instytucje rządowe, mogą być pewni, że SUSE Linux Enterprise Server będzie spełniać obecne i przyszłe standardy sieciowe.
openSUSE 11.0 już dostępny!
Projekt openSUSE, ogólnoświatowe przedsięwzięcie sponsorowane przez Novella, poinformował o dostępności systemu openSUSE 11.0, który można pobrać ze strony openSUSE.org . openSUSE 11.0 to najnowsze wydanie społecznościowej dystrybucji systemu Linux, stanowiące istotną aktualizację w stosunku do poprzedniej wersji. System wzbogacono o ponad 200 wyróżniających openSUSE nowych funkcji oraz dokonano setek usprawnień aplikacji. Pakiet openSUSE 11.0 zawiera wszystko, co niezbędne, by rozpocząć korzystanie z systemu Linux na komputerze osobistym lub serwerze. Społecznościowa dystrybucja openSUSE stanowi podstawę dla cenionych i nagradzanych produktów z rodziny Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise.
OpenJDK gets pencil lines not formal governance
OpenJDK is set to benefit from Sun's lesson with OpenSolaris that just because a project's governance is "dreamworthy", it may not suit developers.
Java will be free this year, says Sun
The struggle to open up Java completely is finally coming to an end.

08 April 2008

MVC framework for PHP with a built-in templating engine. GPL

Mac's PHP MVC Framework 0.6.0 comes with an integrated, AJAX-driven, flat file CMS solution. It was made with future extendability in mind. It is easy to install, easy to use, and has a very short learning curve. It also comes bundled with many PHP and JavaScript libraries. The framework generates SEF (search engine friendly) URLs right out of the box.
PHP-based administration package for PostgreSQL. GPL
phpPgAdmin 4.2 has all the basic functionality you need to completely administer a PosgreSQL server and/or database, including the ability to administer views, sequences, stored procedures, and triggers. Features include the ability to create and drop databases; create, copy, drop, and alter tables/views/sequences/functions/triggers; edit and add fields (to the extent Postgres allows); execute any SQL-statement, even batch-queries; manage keys on fields; create and read dumps of database and tables; and administer one single database, multiple servers, and Postgres users/groups.

01 April 2008

Google AdWords: Keyword Tool

Google AdWords: Keyword Tool
Keyword Tool: " Use the Keyword Tool to get new keyword ideas. Select an option below to enter a few descriptive words or phrases, or type in your website's URL"
Keyword Suggestion Tool
Seo Book: "Try The Coolest Keyword Research Tool Today! Enter your keyword. This tool is powered by Wordtracker."
Bieg po linki: "Systemy wymiany linków dynamicznych: http://www.e-weblink.com http://www.powerlink.pl/ http://www.linkorn.pl/ Systemy wymiany linków stałych: http://www.linkme.pl http://www.linker.pl/ http://www.livelink.pl/ Platformy wymiany: http://www.webmachine.pl/{/link} Spisy katalogów: http://spis.presellpage.pl/ Publikowanie artykułów do przedruku: http://www.artelis.pl http://www.artykularnia.pl Fora z ogłoszeniami wymiany: http://forum.optymalizacja.com http://forum.webinside.pl/"

28 March 2008

SOAP library for PHP 5. GPL

PHP SOAP Toolkit is a comprehensive SOAP library for PHP 5. It provides WSDL parsing and template-based code generation for client, server, and data types for contract-first Web services. It wraps the native PHP SOAP client and server, and uses WS-Helper to provide code-first Web services.
Ajax Java Web framework. GPL
ZK 3.0.4 ZK is an Ajax Java Web framework that enables rich UIs for Web applications with little programming. With event-driven components and an XUL-based markup language, developing is as simple as programming desktops and authoring HTML. Scripting languages include but are not limited to Java, JavaScript, Ruby, and Groovy.

26 March 2008

Secure content management system. GPL

SCMS 0.6 Some of its features are a role-based object-oriented design, conformance to XHTML 1.0 Transitional, strict I/O (input/output) validation, a custom session implementation, support for SSL and cookies (when run over SSL), session identifier regeneration, idle session expiration, account locking, account unlocking methods, encryption (with MD5, AES, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, or WHIRLPOOL), and event logging.
Chat server. LGPL
phpFreeChat 1.1 is a simple, fast, and customizable chat server that uses the filesystem for message and nickname storage. It uses AJAX to smoothly refresh and display the chat zone and the nickname zone. It supports customized CSS stylesheets and a plugin system that allows you to write your own storage routines.

25 March 2008

PHP template processing engine. GPL

easytemplate 1.6 uses regular expressions to locate template logic marks and replace them with PHP code, which is executed to generate the processed template output. It supports several types of template logic constructs besides simple replacement like loops, including separate templates, conditional processing, etc. The results of processed templates can be cached in files to avoid subsequent template processing overhead.

21 March 2008

Radria is a collection of Web-based RAD tools to build Web applications with PHP and JavaScript. GPL

HTTrack is an easy-to-use offline browser utility. GPL
HTTrack/WebHTTrack 3.42-2 allows you to download a Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the mirrored Web site in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. WebHTTrack is a Web-based GUI for HTTrack.
RADRIA 0.8.4 lets you create database driven Web applications directly from a Web browser with drag-and-drop, and point-and-click. It features real WYSIWYG with instant script execution and contextual access to the entire HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP source code. It is fully component oriented with many add-ons and packages. It lets you use and integrate your own scripts and framework.
Keyword Buzz 1. Freeware
Simtel.net: " Keyword research software which allows you to research keywords easily."

20 March 2008

Application development framework for developing OOP style Web applications in PHP. LGPL

phpHtmlLib 3.0.2 The application framework supports an MVC style architecture and Ajaxable and Cacheable interfaces for developing rich client Web applications. It comtains a set of PHP classes and library functions to help facilitate building, debugging, and rendering of XML, HTML, XHTML, WAP/WML Documents, and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) images as well as complex HTML widgets.

14 March 2008

Free Directory Submitter

Meta Tag Analyzer
Website Webmaster Search Engine Tools: "Using this tool you can: - See how search engine robots analyze your or your competitors web site - Receive tips on how to improve your Meta Tags - Check the keywords used on the page and find the keyword density - Check web server operating system where site is hosted - Check website load time - Check website file size - Check URLs and links found on the page"
Search Engine Index Check
Marketleap Search Engine Marketing Tools: "Search Engine Saturation simply refers to the number of pages a given search engine has in its index for your website domain. Not all search engines report this information but enough of them do to create some meaningful benchmarks for your search engine marketing campaigns."
Online Keyword Tool
Keyword Tool: " Use the Keyword Tool to get new keyword ideas. Select an option below to enter a few descriptive words or phrases, or type in your website's URL. Keyword Tool Tips"
Keyword Fisher 2.0
Free Web Site Promotion Tools downloads: " Keyword Fisher is the ultimate keyword suggestion tool. Keyword Fisher puts your competition's web pages to work for you by compiling reports of the keywords your top competitors are using on their pages. Easy to export to other applications."
Free Directory Submitter
Fast Directory Submitter | One Way Link Building Software: "Let's recap on what you can do with Fast Directory Submitter: * Stop wasting time manually submitting your website to link directories * Avoid searching for themed websites. We have more than 2000+ quality web directories already included. * Increase your site popularity * Help your web site gain a higher position in search engines * Generate more traffic to your website * Greatly reduce your reciprocal links from your website because many directories included in Fast Directory Submitter require NO back links to them * Submit your websites with varying title and description * Export a submission history report for your personal records * Sort the directory list alphabetically form A-Z and Z-A. PR sorting is also available. * Quickly search for any directory i
Polskie tutoriale w jednym miejscu
WebTutorials.pl: "Grafika komputerowa, tworzenie stron www oraz programowane."
Free Centralized Online Storage, Sharing and Publishing Platform for Desktop and Web
Omnidrive: "allows you to aggregate not only all your desktop files, but all your files and data from different web applications as well. You can exchange files and data between applications using Omnidrive, and also easily share and publish files with just a single click. Omnidrive is multi-platform and is available on both Windows and Mac, and also provides a browser-based version that emulates a desktop file browser. With Omnidrive you can: 1. Access - access all your files and data from anywhere 2. Integrate - integrate files and data from other applications into Omnidrive 3. Share - share to another user or an email address with just one click 4. Publish - publish music, video or photos to the web and link to them from within forums, blogs or websites Omnidrive is free for up to 1GB of storage. Signup today and try Omnidrive

19 February 2008


freshmeat.net: "Phpns is a news system that will enable you to design your Web site the way you want. You can include a dynamic CMS with one line of code."
Web slideshow generator and album generator. GPL
Jtvmaker 3.0.21 can turn a group of selected photos, an MP3 (optional), and a lyric file (optional) into a JavaScript Web slideshow, an applet slideshow, a gallery page, or a stand-alone slideshow application. A Windows screensaver and video can be generated with the help of the jsmooth exe wrapper and mencoder. The slideshow plays background MP3s through Quicktime/WMP in JavaScript or jlayer in an applet. Lyric displaying, fading, wiping, and Ken Burns transitions are available in the applet and standalone application.

11 February 2008

Code Generator. GPL

PHP or Java Class Code Generator 1.1.0 is meant is automate the generation of classes to access databases in the style of Java beans. It uses the Fast Template engine to process template files that define the skeleton of functions and variables of classes that store and retrieve data object property values from a given database table, getter and setter functions to access those properties, and a function to delete a data object row from the respective database table.

07 February 2008

Collection of scripts to ease the daily maintenance work of Oracle database administrators. GPL

DBAHelper 0.2.3 Examples are moving objects between tablespaces, analyzing schemata, and rebuilding invalid indices. Also included is a little framework to simplify the use of RMAN (this framework depends on the use of Oracle 10g with the Recovery Area enabled and properly sized, so all backups go there).

06 February 2008

Highly scalable, secure two-factor authentication system. GPL

WiKID Strong Authentication System 3.0.14 is simple to implement and maintain, allows users to be validated automatically, requires no hardware tokens, has a simple API for application support (via Ruby, PHP, Java, COM, Python, etc.), supports multiple domains, and supports replication for fault tolerance and scalability. It also supports mutual /host and transaction authentication.
PHP/MySQL set of scripts based upon Jon Roig's original Open Realty project. GPL
Free Realty 3.0-0.rc7 is a Jon's description of the package, "... so easy even a real estate agent can use it.." is the ultimate goal of this project.
Command line tool to output your database schema. LGPL
SchemaCrawler 5.4 is a platform (OS and database) independent command line tool to output your database schema and data in a readable form. The output is designed to be diff-ed with previous versions of your database schema. SchemaCrawler is also an API that improves on standard JDBC metadata.

04 February 2008

Universal converter from source code to HTML, XHTML, RTF, TeX, LaTeX, and XML. (X)HTML GPL

freshmeat.net: "Highlight is a output is formatted by Cascading Style Sheets. It supports more than 100 programming languages, and includes 40 highlighting color themes. It's possible to easily enhance the parsing database. The converter includes some features to provide a consistent layout of the input code."

01 February 2008

GUI (graphical user interface) for MySQL. GPL

MyJgui 0.5.7 aims to be easy to use for new users as well as experts. You can store multiple connections that can be used simultaneously. Stored passwords are encrypted using symmetric encryption. Underlying databases and tables are displayed in a tree structure with the connections being the first level nodes. MyJgui is capable of easy data manipulation through a grid. It has a unique feature of bookmarking parametrical queries (sqlmarks). The documentation (user guide) is quite comprehensive and kept up-to-date.

31 January 2008

SEO Siloing WordPress Plugin

Java applets with various graphics effects to add to your Web site.General Public License v2
Webmatic applets 1.47
SEO Siloing WordPress Plugin: " Prerequisites This plugin should work with WordPress 2.0 and up, including WordPress 2.3 with its major overhaul of the category structure. It may also work with older versions, but I haven't tried it. You would normally only use this plugin if you have defined the permalink structure for your blog to include the category name as described in Easy SEO Siloing for WordPress Users. In other words, all your postings use the form /%category%/%postname%/ for their permalinks. This isn't a requirement, though, but it's a recommendation. You can actually use the plugin on any page or post, but if you use it on a non-page you have to explicitly give it a category to display.

30 January 2008

t2t can convert any delimited text file to an HTML table. LGPL

t2t 6.0 supports all attributes for the various table-related tags. It can read its input either from stdin, a file, or a whole directory. when t2t is passed in a directory, it will process all the files (except those with either .html or .htm extension), and all the files in all the sub-directories. It works on any system with Perl.
Program for creating charts in Flash to display in Web pages. GPL
Open Flash Chart 1.9.7 You can create bar, line, area, and pie charts. It also includes server side classes to help generate the data file used as input. At the moment, there are classes for PHP, Perl, .NET, Java, Ruby (and Rails), and Python.

28 January 2008

Application that generates a reasonably modern looking Web site. GPL

Simple Website Software 1.0 requires a minimal amount of effort to set up and maintain. It uses PHP to generate pages with a single look and feel, and includes the ability to control menus based on the authenticated user.

25 January 2008

Freely-available solution for managing content on Web, Extranet, and Intranet services. LGPL

freshmeat.net: "Midgard is a It is a toolkit for building dynamic applications to power eBusiness and Information Management processes. Writing applications and functionalities for the platform is done using the easy-to-learn PHP scripting language. All interfacing with the system is done via a regular Web browser, and no special tools are needed for developers or content authors."
Data synchronization/replication software. LGPL
SymmetricDS 1.2.0 is Web-enabled, database independent, data synchronization/replication software. It uses Web and database technologies to replicate tables between relational databases in near real time. The software was designed to scale for a large number of databases, work across low-bandwidth connections, and withstand periods of network outage. It includes support for Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MS SQL Server databases.

24 January 2008

Ajax Java Web framework. GPL

ZK 3.0.2 is an Ajax Java Web framework that enables rich UIs for Web applications with little programming. With event-driven components and an XUL-based markup language, developing is as simple as programming desktops and authoring HTML. Scripting languages include but are not limited to Java, JavaScript, Ruby, and Groovy.

23 January 2008

AJAX-based image host system. GPL

AJAX Image Dump System 1.2 is a simple, yet powerful AJAX-based image host system. It's geared toward forum usage, and it generates bb-code for cutting and pasting into forums that support bb-code. It lets people create user accounts to keep track of their pictures, reaccess them later to view stats, delete them, or simply copy the bb-code again.
PHP graphics class for creating charts and plots. GPL
HPlot 5.0.5 works with PHP5 (but older versions can use PHP4). PHPlot uses the PHP GD extension to produce PNG, GIF, or JPEG images. TrueType fonts (TTF) are optional, or built-in GD fonts can be used. The available plot types are: area, bars, line/points, lines, pie, points, squared, stacked-bars, and thin bar-line. Labels, tick marks, plot legend, X/Y axes, and more are all configurable. Images can be imported as a background, multiple graphs can be drawn on one image, and images can be saved to disk or returned to a browser.

21 January 2008

Compiler for PHP. LGPL

Roadsend Compiler for PHP 2.9.4 produces optimized stand alone applications, libraries, and Web applications from standard PHP source code. The compiler produces native machine code, not PHP byte code, so no interpreter is required. It is a new implementation of the PHP language and runtime environment compatible with Zend PHP. It does not share any code with the original PHP implementation.

18 January 2008

Collection of scripts to ease the daily maintenance work of Oracle database administrators. GPL

DBAHelper 0.2.2 Examples are moving objects between tablespaces, analyzing schemata, and rebuilding invalid indices. Also included is a little framework to simplify the use of RMAN (this framework depends on the use of Oracle 10g with the Recovery Area enabled and properly sized, so all backups go there).

17 January 2008

Program for browsing MySQL databases. GPL

Entrance 1.2.18 includes a "match box" search facility that is simlar to the Mac's Spotlight. Entrance can create charts based on query results, and these charts can be zoomed and panned. Entrance also supports an innovative feature called "data painting" that allows users to select and paint data points interactively.

16 January 2008

Qooxdoo is a multi-purpose AJAX framework. LGPL

freshmeat.net: "qooxdoo includes support for professional Javascript development, a state-of-the-art GUI toolkit, and high-level client-server communication."
Internet and intranet mail server. GPL
XMail 1.25 is an Internet and intranet mail server featuring an ESMTP server, POP3 server, finger server, TLS support for SMTP and POP3 (both server and client side), multiple domains, no need for users to have a real system account, SMTP relay checking, DNS based maps check, custom (IP based and address based) spam protection, SMTP authentication (PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5 POP3-before-SMTP and custom), a POP3 account synchronizer with external POP3 accounts, account aliases, domain aliases, custom mail processing, direct mail files delivery, custom mail filters, mailing lists, remote administration, custom mail exchangers, logging, and multi-platform code.

15 January 2008

HTML filtering. LGPL

Chess widget from chesstr.com
This is a very nice chess widget which you can use to display chess problems on your website. Just copy the Javascript code and paste it in where you want to display it on your web page.
HTML Purifier 3.0.0 is PHP software for HTML filtering. It is an alternative to BBCode or other obscure custom markup languages. It will not only remove all malicious code (XSS), but will also make sure the HTML is standards compliant.

09 January 2008

Java-based Web application development framework. GPL

jWebApp 4.6.0 is specifically designed to satisfy the need for simple Web development. jWebApp is configuration free, straightforward, and extremely easy to work with.
PHP For Applications. GPL
P4A 2.2.3 is a RAD and object oriented PHP framework for building event-driven stateful Web applications. It features tableless HTML, accesskey support, transparent AJAX support, auto data type recognition, UTF-8 support, advanced i18n/l10n support, handheld "zero code" support, "zero code" printing via advanced CSS2, and PEAR integration.
Extract, Transform, and Load. GPL
Talend Open Studio 2.2.4 can perform jobs that range from datawarehouse feeding to database synchronization, as well as file format transformations. Its graphical interface is made with Eclipse RC P, and data related scripts are generated in Perl or Java. The application was designed to be extended with components written by users.