17 July 2007

Framework built to help developers and beginner programmers create Web-based systems. LGPL

HP2Go 0.5.7 is an object-oriented, structured, and hierarchical set of classes and libraries developed using PHP, XML, and JavaScript. The main goal of PHP2Go is to turn Web development into an easier and faster task.
PHP Web Application Framework 1.3 is an application framework which makes it easy and simple to build PHP Web applications based on relational databases. It separates the task of designing and changing the layout of the application from the task of implementing the logic of the application, by using XML templates that are an extension of XHTML. It also simplifies the task of implementing the logic of the application by offering an event based programming model. In addition, phpWebApp tries to offer modularity and code reusability to the community of Webapp developers.
Web site checking tool for Web masters. GPL
webcheck 1.10.1 crawls a given Web site and generates a number of reports. The whole system is pluggable, allowing extra reports and checks to be added easily. It supports retrieving Web sites over HTTP, file, and FTP protocols and produces reports on site structure, broken links, old Web pages, overviews of external links, and more. The links that webcheck considers external are configurable through regular expressions, and webcheck honors robots.txt.

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