07 July 2007

sqlupdate 1.6.4. GPL

sqlupdate reads a MySQL table declaration file and compares it to an existing database. It then generates a MySQL script for updating the database to match the SQL file.
PL/SQL snippet (embedded in a shell script). GPL
OraRep 0.4.1 creates a well-formatted HTML report on a given database instance, providing you with an overview on your instance(s), some hints for performance tuning, and more. It has been tested with Oracle 8.1.7, 9.0.1, and 9.2. The script easily fits into a cron task to be run on a regular basis. Sample output (HTML) is included. OSPRep does the same job for Oracle StatsPack Reports based on SnapShot Levels up to 7, and provides additional "plugins" for more detailed reporting on special issues. It also optionally creates a separate page with charts to visualize the results and more.

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