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Framework for the rapid development of system and network administration Web interfaces in PHP. LGPL
PHP System Administration Toolkit 0.1 is a toolkit/framework for the rapid development of system and network administration Web interfaces in PHP. It tries to take as much common work from the developer as possible, and provides object-oriented interfaces to many common services. It aims to make the applications built using it easily customizable, extensible, and maintainable.
PHP System Administration Toolkit 0.1 is a toolkit/framework for the rapid development of system and network administration Web interfaces in PHP. It tries to take as much common work from the developer as possible, and provides object-oriented interfaces to many common services. It aims to make the applications built using it easily customizable, extensible, and maintainable.
Web-based email list management system. GPL
Dada Mail 2.10.14 is an intuitive, Web-based email list management system, which runs on any hosting account that can execute custom CGI scripts. Dada Mail is also a conceptual art project. Dada Mail handles double opt-in/opt-out subscriptions, and can send complex announce-only and/or discussion mailing list messages. It also provides archiving, viewing, searching, resending, and syndicating (through RSS or Atom) sent messages. Dada Mail produces valid XHTML and sticks to best practices when creating email messages.
Dada Mail 2.10.14 is an intuitive, Web-based email list management system, which runs on any hosting account that can execute custom CGI scripts. Dada Mail is also a conceptual art project. Dada Mail handles double opt-in/opt-out subscriptions, and can send complex announce-only and/or discussion mailing list messages. It also provides archiving, viewing, searching, resending, and syndicating (through RSS or Atom) sent messages. Dada Mail produces valid XHTML and sticks to best practices when creating email messages.
Free Informix-4GL compatible compiler. GPL
Aubit 4GL compiler 1.00-40 compiler is a project to make a free Informix-4GL compatible compiler. It translates 4GL source into executable programs, enabling fast creation of screen/form-based applications. With support for SQL statements forming an intrinsic part of the language, it's especially suitable for developing database-oriented applications. Database connectivity is provided for PostgreSQL, Informix, and ODBC. It supports both ncurses (console mode) and GTK+ (GUI mode) output.
Aubit 4GL compiler 1.00-40 compiler is a project to make a free Informix-4GL compatible compiler. It translates 4GL source into executable programs, enabling fast creation of screen/form-based applications. With support for SQL statements forming an intrinsic part of the language, it's especially suitable for developing database-oriented applications. Database connectivity is provided for PostgreSQL, Informix, and ODBC. It supports both ncurses (console mode) and GTK+ (GUI mode) output.
Integrated database and Web environment. LGPL
MyOODB 2.0.0 is an integrated database and Web environment that provides true distributed objects, implicit/explicit multi-concurrent nested transactions, seamless Web tunneling, and database self-healing. MyOODB is one part of a two part SDK solution. Together with MyOOWEB, MyOOSDK provides a development environment for people who desire small, fast, but powerful applications.
MyOODB 2.0.0 is an integrated database and Web environment that provides true distributed objects, implicit/explicit multi-concurrent nested transactions, seamless Web tunneling, and database self-healing. MyOODB is one part of a two part SDK solution. Together with MyOOWEB, MyOOSDK provides a development environment for people who desire small, fast, but powerful applications.
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