29 March 2007

SQL query processer

Tulip is a software system dedicated to the visualization of huge graphs. GPL
Tulip 3.0.0 Beta 4 (Default branch) Tulip is a software system dedicated to the visualization of huge graphs. It manages graphs with up to 500,000 elements (node and edges) on a personal computer (PIII 600, 256MB RAM). Its SuperGraph technology architecture provides the following features: 3D visualizations, 3D modifications, plugin support, support for clusters and navigation, automatic graph drawing, automatic clustering of graphs, automatic selection of elements, and automatic coloring of elements according to a metric.
SQL query processer. LGPL
SafeSQL 2.2 is an SQL query processer to automate the tedious tasks of syntax testing, injection attack-proofing, dropping parts of queries, and other miscellaneous features. It has only been tested with MySQL syntax, but any ANSI SQL-92-compliant DB library should work.
Aubit 4GL compiler is a project to make a free Informix-4GL compatible compiler. GPL
Aubit 4GL compiler 1.00-25 is a project to make a free Informix-4GL compatible compiler. It translates 4GL source into executable programs, enabling fast creation of screen/form-based applications. With support for SQL statements forming an intrinsic part of the language, it's especially suitable for developing database-oriented applications. Database connectivity is provided for PostgreSQL, Informix, and ODBC. It supports both ncurses (console mode) and GTK+ (GUI mode) output.

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