10 February 2007

RAD and object oriented PHP framework for building event-driven stateful Web applications

Finding links to a specific page on your site
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: " Finding links to a specific page on your site To find links to a specific page on your site, you first need to find that specific page in the summary view. You can do this by navigating through the table, or if you want to find that page quickly, you can use the handy Find a page link at the top of the table. Just fill in the URL and click See details. "
RAD and object oriented PHP framework for building event-driven stateful Web applications. GPL
Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "P4A 1.99.18 is a RAD and object oriented PHP framework for building event-driven stateful Web applications. It features tableless HTML, accesskey support, point and click app generator, auto data type recognition, UTF-8 support, advanced i18n/l10n support, handheld "zero code" support, "zero code" printing via advanced CSS2, and PEAR integration."
AIOCP 1.3.012 CMS
Bezpłatne programy, darmowe, za darmo, gratis - wyszukiwanie i nowości.: "AIOCP 1.3.012 is a Content Management System (CMS), a professional all-inclusive solution to completely manage a Web site or portal through a user-friendly Web-interface. AIOCP is also a framework for Web application developement and includes e-commerce and e-business modules. It includes all basic and extra modules: CMS, WYSIWYG editor, languages, users, menus, forums, news, newsletter, links, downloads, reviews, awards, chat, polls, calendar, banners, search engine, statistics, online help, system tools, shell, backup, MIME, whois, ping, traceroute, MySQL database management, transcoding, custom modules, code libraries, images, and sounds."
Zbadaj szczegółowo linki prowadzące do własnej witryny
E-biznes i projektowanie witryn internetowych.: " Zbadaj linki do swojej witryny Google Polska wprowadziło dla webmasterów i pozycjonerów nowe narzędzie diagnostyczne. Za jego pomocą można zbadać szczegółowo linki prowadzące do własnej witryny. Do tej pory można było wykorzystać tylko polecenie link:, które nie miało tak rozbudowanych możliwości."

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