22 July 2006


Liferea 1.0.18 (Default branch)
Liferea (Linux Feed Reader) is a fast, easy to use, and easy to install GNOME news aggregator for online news feeds. It supports a number of different feed formats including RSS/RDF, CDF, Atom, OCS, and OPML.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This releases fixes two possible problems that can causes crashes when rendering RSS 2.0 feeds without a channel link and when parsing invalid result data during favicon downloads. It also fixes some issues with compiling and running on Solaris.
monotone 0.28 (Default branch)
monotone is a distributed version control system with a flat peer model, cryptographic version naming, meta-data certificates, decentralized authority, and overlapping branches. It works out of a transactional version database stored in a regular file, and uses a custom network protocol for efficient database synchronization.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: A simple cherrypicker was added (accessed via "mtn pluck"). "diff -p" style output is now supported, enabled by default, and can be customized per file type. Permission errors on network operations give better error messages. When merging three or more trees, monotone now examines the history to choose the best order to merge them in. A rare bug where network operations froze has been fixed, as have several bugs in "revert --missing".
VNCcrack 1.0.0 (Default branch)
VNCcrack is a simple, fast offline-mode VNC password cracker. It takes a set of challenge-response pairs of the type passed during a VNC authentication attempt, and attempts to recover the passwords using a dictionary file.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The code in this version is substantially cleaner and should be much easier to extend in the future. It also offers a number of useful new features, better error handling and recovery, and is somewhat faster.
Blog:Hack:CMS 0.5 (Default branch)
Blog:Hack:CMS is a collection of tools for migrating from Blog:CMS to the more stable NucleusCMS. All are considered hacks and in some cases may require PHP skills.
MediaSort 1.0 (Default branch)
MediaSort is a tool that indexes, sorts, and renames media files such as pictures and MP3s based on any of their metadata attributes. For example, you can sort your pictures by date or MP3s by author, year, album, and title. It is also a "Sorting" Ant FileMapper that can be used with any other Ant tasks to achieve more complex work.
JLine 0.9.9 (Default branch)
JLine is a command-line editing library that is similar to BSD editline or GNU readline. It is written in pure Java and supports command line editing, command history, and customizable tab completion.
License: BSD License (revised)
Changes: Bugfixes were made. The packing system was changed to use Maven 2.
netsecl-firewall 1.3.2 (Default branch)
NetSecL-Firewall is an iptables script that protects against stealth scans, port scans, OS fingerprints, and other types of scanning. NetSecL-Firewall is the default firewall in the NetSecL Linux distribution.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release introduces an advanced firewall, which is snort-inline enabled (IPS).
FreshInvoice 1.1 (Default branch)
FreshInvoice is a Web-based invoice system that enables users to look at their invoices, change their personal information, and more. It's a basic framework which can be built upon.
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Changes: This release fixed a catagory deletion bug, a rounding bug on the invoice page, and the home button. Overview invoices were shortened to one quarter and an overview of all invoices wsa added. All the countries of the world were added along with a page for forgotten passwords. The invoice page now shows the sum of open and processed invoices.
SSHMenu 3.11 (Default branch)
SSHMenu is a GNOME panel applet that makes starting up a new terminal window with an SSH connection to a remote host just a click away. A preferences dialog allows you to add and organise hosts. Window positions and sizes can be set along with a profile for controlling text and background colours as well as font details. It also includes a version without GNOME dependencies that can be run as a small standalone window or swallowed into the panel of another window manager.
Luca 0.2 (Default branch)
Luca is a Web-based based accounting (double-entry ledger) application. It is based on Python and TurboGears.
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Changes: Controllers for ACL management were added. All simple tables were completed.
Python XHTML 0.1.5 (Default branch)
Python XHTML is a simple Python module for the generation of valid XHTML.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The return_p() and return_blockquote() methods were fixed.
bftpd 1.5 (Default branch)
bftpd is a very configurable Linux FTP server which can do chroot without special configuration or directory preparation. It works on all Unix variants tested. Most FTP commands are supported, and user authentication is done via passwd/shadow or PAM. tar/gzip on-the-fly is supported.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: It is now possible to authenticate users while running the server in single user mode. Authentication can be handled through a text file, which is set up through the config options. This is disabled by default for security reasons.
BASH Debugger 3.1-0.06 (bash 3.1 branch)
BASH Debugger provides a patched BASH that enables better debugging support as well as improved error reporting. It also contains the most comprehensive source code debugger for BASH that has been written. It has been used as a springboard for other experimental features (such as a timestamped history file), since development is maintained openly and developers are encouraged to participate.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release adds the ability to run debugger commands on program breakpoint (gdb "commands"), show program status (gdb "info program), and call the debugger from inside the a debugged program, which potentially can speed things up and may increase reliabilty/reproducability of errors. A better line tracing facility was added. Documentation has
Mutt Folder List 1.5.12.sidebar-20060720 (Default branch)
Mutt Folder List is a mutt patch that adds a sidebar showing all mail folders and the total and number of new messages each contains. It allows users to hide or display the sidebar with a single keystroke, and optionally highlights folders with new messages. Users can scroll up and down the list of folders and open the selected folder, and configure the sidebar width, colors, and key bindings.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release updates the sidebar patch to work with the pristine source tarball for mutt-1.5.12.tar.gz.
ScatterChat 1.0.1 (Default branch)
ScatterChat is software designed to allow non-technical human rights activists and political dissidents to communicate securely and anonymously while operating in hostile territory. It is a secure instant messaging client (based upon the Gaim software) that provides end-to-end encryption, integrated onion routing with Tor, secure file transfers, and easy-to-read documentation. Its security features include resiliency against partial compromise through perfect forward secrecy, immunity from replay attacks, and limited resistance to traffic analysis, all reinforced through a pro-actively secure design.
cx_Freeze 3.0.3 (Default branch)
cx_Freeze is a set of utilities for freezing Python scripts into executables in a cross platform way, using many of the techniques found in Thomas Heller's py2exe, Gordon McMillan's Installer, and the Freeze utility that ships with Python itself.
License: Python License
Changes: This release addresses a number of portability issues on IRIX and the BSD family of OSes and fixes the handling of a number of edge cases.
ADSL Manager 0.1 (Default branch)
ADSL Manager allows you to manage your ADSL connection in an easy way. You can control it using an icon in the systray.
Asterisk Manager Suite 0.9.3 Beta (Default branch)
AMS (Asterisk Manager Suite) is a suite of software intended to make day to day administration and monitoring of an Asterisk PBX server easier. It contains a daemon that acts as a proxy to Asterisk's Manger Interface and a GTK GUI application for monitoring and administration.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release fixes bugs for users with libxml less than 2.6.x and gtk less than or equal to 2.6.4.
Rasterbar libtorrent 0.10 (Default branch)
Rasterbar libtorrent is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around. It is a library and not a full featured client, although it comes with a working example client.
NetBeans IDE 5.0 (Default branch)
NetBeans is a cross-platform IDE written in Java. It supports development in Java, and support for other languages can be added. The whole IDE is built around a core framework with APIs, and features are implemented in the form of plugin modules. This clean, modular architecture makes NetBeans a good platform for building development tools and custom IDEs.
License: SUN Public License
Changes: This release offers a new GUI builder (Matisse), support for JBoss and WebLogic, improved code completion, new refactorings, and better integration of debugging and CVS.
cx_Logging 1.2 (Default branch)
cx_Logging is a Python extension module that supports logging in a similar fashion to that supported by the logging module available in Python 2.3 and up. It also supports a C interface that allows applications to perform logging independently of Python.
License: Python License
Changes: This release adds keyword argument support to the StartLogging() Python method, and adds support for getting a file object in Python corresponding to the file to which logging is taking place. It also fixes a number of build issues with the Microsoft compiler.
Tahchee 0.9.7 (Default branch)
Tahchee is a tool for developers and Web designers that makes it possible to easily build a static Web site using the Cheetah template system. It is used to fill in the gap between bare template and macro processing system and dynamic template-based Web sites. It acts both as a build system (à la "make") as well as an extension to the Cheetah template that makes it really easy to build small to medium-sized sites. It is ideal for writing open source project or small company Web sites.
License: BSD License (revised)
Changes: This is an important update that brings many small improvements ranging from command line interface to linking system functions and HTML tidy integration. It also brings a new plugin architecture that allows Tahchee to be easily extended. A new plugin that allows wiki-like markup to HTML generation was also introduced, though it is still in beta testing. This will be the last release before 1.
Decimail Webmail 3 alpha 6 (Default branch)
Decimail Webmail 3 is an email application written in Javascript. It is almost entirely client-side, and so has the potential for a rich and responsive user-interface. The server-side requirement is a Web server, a simple IMAP-to-HTTP proxy, and any IMAP server; this should result in lower server load than some CGI Webmail applications. The code is still relatively new and is not yet suited to widespread deployment.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Attached images are now displayed using data: URLs. Quoted-printable message parts are now decoded.
Atomic OS 0.0.2 (Default branch)
Atomic OS is a responsive Web 2.0 operating environment and development platform. Based on AJAX techniques, it emulates/provides standard operating system features including a command line shell, interpreter, filesystem, database access, and GUI services.
Ruby Time Tracker 1 (Default branch)
Ruby Time Tracker is a stable and complete time tracking system for small businesses that invoice for time spent by several employees on many projects.
OneStroke 0.8.1 (Default branch)
OneStroke is designed as a keyboard replacement for Linux tablet mode Tablet PCs. Single-stroke gestures drawn on the main window generate X11 keyboard events in the currently-focused window. All configuration and setup is done via a user-friendly GTK GUI. The program supports multiple recognition methods.
ACTUS znów na Woodstock
Organizacja popularyzująca wolne oprogramowanie IEA ACTUS działająca przy PPLUG (Poznan Polish Linux User Group) przygotowuje stanowisko na Przystanek Woodstock 2006. Ponownie jak przed rokiem prowadzić będzie działalność informacyjną, propagując wolne oprogramowanie. Pod hasłem "Wolne oprogramowanie dla wolnych ludzi" osoby uczestniczące w projekcie będą udzielać informacji na wszelkie tematy związane z IT. Dla najbardziej zdecydowancyh i pełnych entuzjazmu słuchaczy przewidziano mały upominek: płyta z dystrybucją Linuksa, by móc spróbować własnych sił.
Get IP Info
Keep track of remote machine IP addresses
Czech Course
Get the conversion rates to the Czech currency
Linux 101: Establish more effective security capabilities with OpenSSH
Longtime Linux administrators know that SSH, the "Secure Shell" protocol, is one of the most handy and potentially critical utilities in their software toolbox. This document explains how OpenSSH, an open source implementation of SSH, works and how it can play an important role in your Linux environment.
OneStroke 0.8.1 (Development branch)
OneStroke is designed as a keyboard replacement for Linux tablet mode Tablet PCs. Single-stroke gestures drawn on the main window generate X11 keyboard events in the currently-focused window. All configuration and setup is done via a user-friendly GTK GUI. The program supports multiple recognition methods.
vkeyd 0.9 (Default branch)
vkeyd is a Linux daemon, forked from ikeyd, used to change volumes from keyboard hotkeys outside of X, or if the keyboard has been captured, as happens with SDL applications.
Adoc.sh 0.1 (Default branch)
Adoc is a very simple script for making audio recordings that are attached to ctags tags or entire files. A simple commandline interface exist to play one or all recordings for a tag and to view code associated with the tag.
onPHP 0.6.0 (Stable, PHP-5.1 branch)
onPHP is an object-oriented framework aimed at rapid development of scalable robust applications with outstanding code reusability level. It also provides code generation tools to save your time, and PHP extensions to save CPU time of your servers.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Compatibility with PHP 5.0 has been dropped, and a PHP extension introduced with a bunch of core classes implemented in C. Metaconfiguration's sanity and error-checking abilities have been greatly improved.
launch4j 3.0.0-pre1 (Development branch)
Launch4j is a cross-platform tool for wrapping Java applications distributed as jars in Windows native executables. The executable can be configured to search for a certain JRE version or use a bundled one, and it's possible to set runtime options, like the initial/max heap size. The wrapper also provides better user experience through an application icon, a native pre-JRE splash screen, a custom process name, and a Java download page in case the appropriate JRE cannot be found. The increase in size of the application is small.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The configuration file format and embedded Ant configuration have been improved. It's now possible to launch executable jars, regular jars, and class files. Dynamic classpath resolution with environmen
Mbedthis AppWeb 2.1.0 (Development branch)
AppWeb is an embedded HTTP Web server that has been designed with security in mind. It is integrated directly into customers' applications and devices, providing easy development and deployment of Web-based applications and devices. It is fast (over 3,500 requests per second) and compact (from 110K) and includes support for dynamic page creation, server-side embedded Javascript, in-process CGI, dynamically loadable modules, SSL, Digest authentication, Virtual hosts, Apache-style configuration, logging, and single- and multi-threaded apps. It has extensive documentation and samples.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release adds the new directory listing module libdirModule, the new put module libputModule, HTTP/1.1 chunking support, HTTP/1.1 ranged transfer support, an ErrorDocument directive, and IPv6 (prototype) support for Linux.
DConnect Daemon 0.6.10/0.7.0 (Stable branch)
DConnect Daemon is a daemon that acts as a Direct Connect hub. It is written in pure C and utilizes threads. It aims to be very fast, with a very good protocol implementation.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This is the last 0.6.* release and the first of 0.7.* series. It fixes noticed bugs. From now on, hanging sessions are detected and removed. Users are encouraged to upgrade.
ShaniXmlParser 1.4.2 (Default branch)
ShaniXmlParser is an XML/HTML DOM/SAX parser. It can parse not well formed XML/HTML files. It can parse files with inverted tags and bad escaped &amp;,<,> and ". It expands all XHTML entities by default. It is well suited to parse HTML files, and is fast with low memory usage. It is compliant with the jaxp/w3c DOM1/2/3 interfaces.
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Changes: This release corrects incorrect empty tag parsing and adds speed improvements.
YaHP Converter 1.0 (Default branch)
YaHP is a Java library that allows you to convert an HTML document into a PDF document.
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Changes: This release corrects nonrendering of table rows on the edges of pages in the swing renderer, uses memory better, and uses Shani XML parser 1.4.2.
db_bibivu 1.9 (Default branch)
db_bibivu is a simple MySQL database access wrapper. It provides functions for connecting to a MySQL database server, selecting the database to access, executing queries, retrieving query results rows in arrays, executing a query to return a single result row in a single call, etc. The class may optionally generate a log of the executed queries. When a query fails, it may send a warning message to a given site administrator email address.
License: Freeware
Changes: This release changes the functions "query" and "query_first", and adds a second parameter, "$record_type". It adds the function data_seek (mysql_data_seek; if the second parameter is not passed, it will position on a random record), a "set_default_result_type" parameter (this will change the default $result_type for the query function), a "close" function to close a MySQL connection, and a "connect_first_use" parameter
Rule Set Based Access Control 1.3.0pre2 (Testing branch)
Rule Set Based Access Control (RSBAC) is a Free Software security extension for current Linux kernels. It is based on the Generalized Framework for Access Control (GFAC) by Abrams and LaPadula and provides a flexible system of access control based on several modules. All security relevant system calls are extended by security enforcement code. This code calls the central decision component, which in turn calls all active decision modules and generates a combined decision. This decision is then enforced by the system call extensions.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Based on the 1.2.7 release, this release adds allow_parent_ipc and suid/sgid files and directories to JAIL, an optional check of CHANGE_OWNER on PROCESS/USER, upgraded network templates, changes to aci, acl, and auth device lists to use RCU on 2.6 kernels, Dazuko udev support, a UM password history with a configurable length to avoid pa
wallpaperChooser 0.1 (Default branch)
wallpaperChooser is a small application for managing your wallpapers. It has the ability to store wallpapers, preview them, and set them on the desktop.
MikePete 0.9 (Default branch)
MikePete is a Kopete/Adium theme made to display the MSN icon in the correct 96x96 size, be able to quickly resize it to double size (by hovering), and merge continuous messages, while retaining easily-readable paste output.
QDBM: Quick DataBase Manager 1.8.62 (Default branch)
QDBM is an embedded database library compatible with GDBM and NDBM. It features hash database and B+ tree database and is developed referring to GDBM for the purpose of the following three points: higher processing speed, smaller size of a database file, and simpler API.
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Changes: A lot of functions were replaced by macros to improve performance. The URL resolver allows unescaped meta characters.
Aubit 4GL compiler 0.59-20 (Default branch)
Aubit 4GL compiler is a project to make a free Informix-4GL compatible compiler. It translates 4GL source into executable programs, enabling fast creation of screen/form-based applications. With support for SQL statements forming an intrinsic part of the language, it's especially suitable for developing database-oriented applications. Database connectivity is provided for PostgreSQL, Informix, and ODBC. It supports both ncurses (console mode) and GTK+ (GUI mode) output.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: Major bugfixes. Also incorporates a completely resigned expression parsing handler, compile time and run-time SQL dialect translation, and a MySQL database connector.
cx_Oracle 4.2 (Default branch)
cx_Oracle is a Python extension module that allows access to Oracle, and conforms to the Python database API specifications. This module is currently built against Oracle 8.1.7, Oracle 9.2, and Oracle 10.2.
License: BSD License (original)
Changes: This release adds support for BFILE type LOBS, independent parsing of Oracle statements, binding decimal.Decimal objects to cursors, and improved handling of character sets other than US-ASCII. In addition, a couple of bugs were fixed.
Perl Audio Converter 3.2.0 (Default branch)
Perl Audio Converter (PAC) is a tool for converting multiple audio types from one format to another. It supports MP2, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, Shorten, Monkey Audio, FAAC (AAC/M4A/MP4), Musepack (MPC), Wavpack (WV), OptimFrog (OFR/OFS), TTA, LPAC, Kexis (KXS), AIFF, AC3, Lossless Audio (LA), BONK, AU, SND, RAW, VOC, SMP, RealAudio (RA/RAM), WAV, and WMA. It can also convert audio from the following video formats/extensions: RM, RV, ASF, DivX, MPG, MKV, MPEG, AVI, MOV, OGM, QT, VCD, VOB, and WMV. A CD ripping function with CDDB support, batch and playlist conversion, tag preservation for most supported formats, independent tag reading/writing, and extensions for Konqueror and amaroK are also provided.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: This release adds a --presdir opt
libao-pulse 0.9.3 (Default branch)
libao-pulse is a libao driver for the PulseAudio sound server.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The client name passed to the PulseAudio server has been fixed.
xmms-pulse 0.9.3 (Default branch)
xmms-pulse is an XMMS output plugin for the PulseAudio sound server.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: A memory leak has been fixed.
gst-pulse 0.9.3 (Default branch)
gst-pulse is a GStreamer sink for the PulseAudio sound server.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Changes: The client name passed to the PulseAudio server has been fixed.

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